She also shares:
How to take an immediate Quantum Leap in your mindset!
A prompt to elevate your success standards, envisioning a reality beyond the limits of your logical mind.
Releasing limiting beliefs by identifying and transcending doubts, fears, and mental barriers.
Welcome back to the Quantum Vibes podcast. I am very excited for today’s topic and conversation all around activating the frequency of success. This is something that I attuned to very early in my life without even realizing it. And I want to invite you to take whatever it is that you consider to be success, and together, let’s elevate it and activate a new layer of potency around what you’re able to create and manifest in your life. So when I think about success, there is success, and then there’s what I call quantum success. And this is the Quantum Vibes podcast after all. And we are in season two, which is the business edition, and I am here to help everybody create more passion, more money, more excitement, more fulfillment, more love, and more richness in their businesses, which is the whole intention behind season two.
So when we think about the frequency of success, what does it mean to you? And I want you to just feel into that, because it means something different for everybody. Their success in the external world, their success in achievements, their success in creating abundance, their success in speaking on big stages or writing books or creating certain accomplishments. And then there’s also success and fulfillment. There is success in magnetizing things into your life. And I could go on and talk about this for a very long time. And what I want to plug all of us into today, myself included, because I’m always in the room for the breakthrough, too, is the frequency of ultimate quantum success. And what that means is that means success beyond what your logical mind can comprehend.
What that means is success in a way where you’re standing there, you’re looking at your life, and you’re like, how did I get here? How did this even happen? I was on a mastermind call today, and one of my amazing clients was celebrating $44,000 income for the month of February, and this is her highest income month yet. And last year, she brought in a quarter of a million dollars. And the year before that, she. I’m not sure of her exact numbers, but it was a quantum leap for her, and she’s ready to do another quantum leap. And we had the conversation of, how did you get here? And she said, I don’t even know. And I said, that’s quantum success. That’s unique soul blueprint. And what happens is when we create something that’s magical and it feels like, oh, my gosh.
And it was a dream that we had intentionally plugged into, but we didn’t know how. And maybe if you’re in my world, you’re probably receiving dreams beyond what you ever thought is possible, because that’s what we do here. And when you think about quantum success is magic. Quantum success is you have quantum leaps in your life, in your business, in the people that you’re serving, the people that you’re elevating, the opportunities that drop in for you, and it literally is pure magic. Quantum success is not something that is easy to create on your own within your logical mind. Instead, you create quantum success through transcending the doubts, the fears, the beliefs in the logical mind that have held you back.
You create quantum success through plugging your alignment arrows up into the infinite field of possibilities and attuning to where you desire to go and allowing God and the universe to rearrange things for you. So you’re standing in an altered reality that is anything beyond whatever you’ve dreamed. And this is real. It’s happened in my life so many times. If you listen to season one, where I read my book quantum vibes, audibly, then you know all of the ways that this has happened for me and for many of my clients. And something that you can do today to begin to activate the frequency of quantum success in your life is you begin to look at what would I be doing if anything was possible, if I had zero limits, money was no object, what would I be doing?
And you begin to take a quantum leap in your mind and your mindset. The second thing you can do is you can begin to look at your frequency and your energy and your level of embodiment. Let me talk about this for a moment. Because when you have a desire and a dream and you want to take your business to the next level, you want to be seen by more people. You want to be filled up, feeling so excited about life and everything that you’re doing. You’ve got to activate a frequency and a knowing in your body on a cellular level. The first question people always ask me is, well, Suzanne, that sounds great and all, but how? How do I do that?
And so this is when you’ve got to plug into your unique soul blueprint, and you’ve got to begin to look at when is a time that you felt most expanded and most alive. What were you doing? Have you ever put yourself in a room for a couple of days with the intention of pure expansion? And if you did, how did it go? And so this right here is one of the main reasons that I create in person experiences, because I have a gift to help you let go of whatever glass ceiling you’ve been hiding under, to shatter any shields that have kept you playing small, and to transcend any doubts that have kept you from plugging into this frequency of unlimited possibilities. Because there is a frequency, a dial of overflow that you can tap into.
All you have to do is be able to plug your alignment arrows. So in the Adams actualization activation, I talk in depth about your alignment arrows and how to do that. So all you’ve got to be able to do is plug your alignment arrows into the desires of your heart. And when you do that, in alignment with your unique soul blueprint, it is impossible to fail. So one of my gifts is I am really able to hold the frequency of a room, of an experience, of a container, and help you unleash that wisdom, that power, that next level magic that’s already inside of you, by the way. I’m just facilitating an energetic opening so that you can feel it and experience it in your body on a cellular level before you actually receive it, because that is the game of manifestation.
It’s like holding the frequency in your body of where you’re going with that intentionality and magnetizing from the quantum field right into your body. I break down for you in season one, the tangible how tos, the quantum vibes, my book, it is the manifesting guide. And there is a way to read the book and experience it, and then there’s a way to come in the room and immerse yourself in it. And so I’m just going to take this opportunity to extend an invitation to you, if you enjoy my words, if you feel activated.
What I’m saying, if you feel inspired by what I’ve shared here with you in this podcast, and you want to come be in a room full of inspiring, open minded, open hearted humans that are ready to change the world, that are taking their businesses and missions to the next level, that are innovators, that are authors, that are speakers, that are healers, that are leaders, that are extraordinary human beings. Then you’re going to want to come in the room with me for the quantum success Leadership Summit that is happening May 31, June 1, June 2, right here in Newport Beach, California, just outside of Laguna Beach, California. We are going to be at a luxury resort that is right on the ocean, holds its own very special frequency, and we’re going to make dreams come true in that room.
I can tell you right now, the reason I host these events is because I get a breakthrough. I get an up level. It is fun, it is exhilarating, and you will get insights. You will come into more alignment with your unique soul blueprint. You will be automatically plugged into the frequency of quantum success just by coming in the room with us. And what’s really extraordinary about this, when you purchase your ticket, you get instant access to the energy right away because your soul said yes and you answered a call. The other thing you will actually get instant access to is the Adams actualization activation. I’ve decided to make this a bonus, because I think it’s really important when you come in this room with me that you understand the basics of how to actually actualize and manifest your dreams.
And so this is one of the most exciting ways that you can begin to plug into quantum success, is to come into the room with me for the quantum success leadership summit. We do also have a virtual ticket available, and if you can’t join live throughout the virtual ticket the whole time, you have access for 30 days. So it’s a really amazing opportunity as well. We’re going to put those details in the show notes for you. And what I want to leave you with today is what would you be doing if anything was possible? When you begin to plug into that frequency, you’re activating and opening a new door right directly into the quantum field. You’re inviting in your highest, truest, wisest self to show your next steps. And I will tell you, quantum manifestation isn’t about logical moves.
It isn’t about knowing the perfect next step. It’s about leading yourself into the space and place that your soul is calling you. It’s about having more courage than you’ve ever had before and activating a new level of sovereign power. I’m going to share with you more my definition of sovereign power, what it means, and how it’s led me to living at the quantum villa and so many other amazing dreams that I have achieved in my life in the next episode. So get ready for that. Stay tuned and cheers to manifesting big wild dreams.