Sedona Vortex Immersion Retreat 2025
Sedona quantum (3)
Sedona Vortex Immersion Mobile title Image



February 17TH - 19TH 2025| TRAVEL DATES: FEBRUARY 16-20TH

Your soul is calling you to play BIGGER, and it’s time to answer the call!


Join me for a luxury, soulful experience that will rewire and reprogram your subconscious mind and QUANTUM SHIFT your reality!


A 4-day soul expansive immersion for heart-centered leaders who feel called to explore their next level: in their belief, in their leadership; and in their power. This is the experience your soul has been longing for!



February 2025

Your soul is calling you to play BIGGER, and it’s time to answer the call!


Join me for a luxury, soulful experience that will rewire and reprogram your subconscious mind and QUANTUM SHIFT your reality!


A 4-day soul expansive immersion for heart-centered leaders who feel called to explore their next level: in their belief, in their leadership; and in their power. This is the experience your soul has been longing for!

A Luxury Experience With Soul

Sedona Vortex

it's time to transcend your limitations and open your heart like never before.

In the heart of Sedona’s mystical energy vortexes, we will embark on a life-changing journey that will help you unlock your deepest potential, align your spiritual and professional paths, and harness the transformative power of these sacred landscapes.


This retreat is crafted for those who yearn to break through the mundane, offering a sanctuary where your entrepreneurial spirit meets your spiritual essence. Sedona’s powerful energy vortexes are not just a backdrop; they are active participants in your transformation, amplifying your inner work and providing clarity for your business path.


What is the sedona Vortex?

The Sedona Vortex is a remarkable and mystical phenomenon, rooted in the high concentrations of quartz found in the Sedona area. This quartz, with its piezoelectric properties, is believed to amplify the natural energy of the land, creating potent centers of spiritual and energetic resonance. These vortexes are not simply physical locations but are dynamic spaces where energy either flows into the earth or emanates outwards, offering a unique opportunity for spiritual and personal transformation.


In these vortexes, the interplay of natural beauty and spiritual energy creates an environment that many find conducive to deep meditation, healing, and self-discovery. The presence of quartz is thought to intensify these experiences, making Sedona’s vortexes renowned for their ability to enhance spiritual connection, clarity, and insight.


We will utilize this unique natural phenomenon to help us amplify your energy realignment!

Who Is This Retreat For?

Innovators, leaders, authors, coaches, mothers, high level executives and more!

Inside of this sacred immersion we’re shedding layers, removing barriers and allowing our soul to let go and let IN its full potentiality.


This retreat is perfect for anyone looking to breakthrough to their next level, and become an energetic match for those big, bold, beautiful dreams that most people think are untouchable. Sound like you?

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What to Expect from Your Immersion Experience

This Intimate and high level immersion will Transform your Mind, Body and Spirit!

* Pricing includes the entire 4-day event, and assorted meals! (Lodging is not included).

A 4 Day, 4 Night
Boutique Experience Of A Lifetime!

You will leave feeling ignited, refreshed, and full of so much love! This gorgeous 5 star property is nestled in the heart of the red rocks, amidst sacred land and healing energy vortexes. There is a beautiful, newly renovated spa and and this container holds everything you need to have the healing experience of a life time.

Upgrade Your
Energy & Your Mindset

Many of my biggest breakthroughs were created on retreats and immersions. The work we can do when we come together is far more powerful than what we can accomplish on our own. Let’s activate your magnetism, expand your heart and up grade your frequency!

Lifelong Soulful Connections & Community

Get ready and excited to have FUN! You will leave with a new tribe of next level humans and new best friends! I have met some of my best friends to this day at retreats I have attended over the years!! It puts a smile on my face each time I watch the new connections, bonds and friendships form at each and every experience I create.

Energy upgrades, teachings and brand new manifestation principles

I’ve been on this spiritual journey since 2013 and I am thrilled to share modalities, tools, systems, and formulas that will catapult you into your next level of success, happiness, abundance and fulfillment!

Rewiring & Reprogramming Of Your Subconscious Mind

When you can rewire the old stories that have kept you stuck, you create a quantum shift and are able to magnetically attract more love, abundance, heart connection and success. This experience will create next level breakthroughs and powerfully reprogram your mind.

Transformational Healing Experiences

Workshops, meditations, energy activations, ceremonies, sound healings, breathwork, soul fuelling nature connection, yoga, hikes along the sacred land, energy vortex meditations, walking trails, reflect in the labyrinth, hot tub soaks, a luxury spa, gourmet meals and vistas that will take your breath away!

Quantum Shift Your Reality

Visioning sessions that are profound and transformational to help you truly quantum leap into your next big dream! You will be held in an energetic container where it’s safe to truly shed and release layers, limiting beliefs or programming that has kept you stuck or playing small. You will truly be immersed into the healing and expansion from the moment you arrive.

Soul Expansion & Empowerment

Intuitive and masterful coaching through activating new vibrational frequencies in your energetic field to attract and manifest your desires. This is a unique opportunity to receive intimate and high level support from Suzanne and the other practitioners that will be a part of this retreat. The energetic upgrades, healing, soul activations, high vibration and soul intergrations are going to blow your mind in the best of ways.

The Ultimate Celebration Dinner Experience

As part of this immersion, assorted meals will be included of which will be an epic celebration party to integrate and lock in all the new vibrations, insights, excitement and up-levels you’ve received.

Serene, Sacred and Soul Nourishing

Experiences That Will Awaken Your Soul In The Best Of Ways!

Prepare to be thrilled as you embark on a 4-day and 4-night journey nestled in the embrace of healing nature and breathtaking scenery. Experience high vibrational trainings poised to transform your life, creating one of the most memorable experiences you’ll ever have.

While lodging is not included in this ticket price, we have reserved a really amazing, deeply discounted rate at this property. The room block that we have does have limited availability so we encourage that you reserve your ticket to the retreat as soon as possible. Once you have booked in to this experience, you will receive an email right away with information to reserve your casita and receive the group rate.


*More arrival details TBD in late 2024.

What People Are Saying

Maria Testimonial - Suzanne Adams


Working with Suzanne has increased my confidence and my fulfillment in life tenfold. She has helped me to transform my life from the inside out! The people and community she attracts at her retreats are truly incredible! If you are considering joining one of her events give yourself this gift and get ready to show the world an elevated version of you!



I’m so excited to take the tools I’ve learned at Suzanne’s event and take them home to implement in my company and personal life! The best part about this event is honestly being in the room experiencing it. Suzanne’s event opened my heart and helped me on many levels!



darlene tetimonial


Each time I attend one of Suzanne’s retreats or events I’m reminded to trust who I am and that I am enough. The soul connections, the heart healing I’ve received, the laughs and the continued expansion both internally and externally have meant everything to me! If you are considering joining this event I highly recommend it and know that your life will be elevated in all areas!



The workshops, the meditations, the sacred land will burst your heart open!
Lifelong friendships created at each retreat I attended and now those friends are coming to my wedding! The experiences have all been beyond amazing! I received ten times the investment and am already marking my calendar for the next one.


-Kelley Anne Smaha


It’s a blend of excitement, exhilaration, and also upleveling! What I love about Suzanne is that she blends spirituality with business development, with personal evolution and a lot of fun! The combination enhances your life in ways that you can’t even begin to imagine.


-Dr. Tanya Beaubrun


Being in this powerful space is unlike anything you’ve ever experienced. It is truly a transformation of your mind, body and soul! Follow your inner voice, follow your intuition and just do it. You will love Suzanne’s retreats!


-Tiffany Marley


The energy that I received and experienced at Suzanne’s past retreats allowed me to uplevel my business in ways that I never thought were possible. I would highly recommend this experience to anyone who is considering it!


-Rachel Smith


You will laugh, cry and you will have a lot of fun! You will meet the most amazing group of women and men that will support you and be there for you each step of the way. You will leave feeling energized, excited, empowered and ready for more happiness and joy in your life. If you can make it to this retreat, it will be one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself.


-Sondra Hunt


Suzanne pushes me to see pieces of myself and opportunities that I would have never been able to see by myself. This is the place you will go from being stuck to unstuck, crystal clear and ready to share your zone of genius with many!


-Erin Shirey

Say Yes to Miracles & Magic


Early action special pricing is available only for a limited time!



Ticket price includes the entire 4-day immersion and assorted meals. Discounted lodging rates are available to retreat attendees.




Ticket price includes the entire 4-day immersion and assorted meals. Discounted lodging rates are available to retreat attendees.