EP13S2: How to Gain Visibility in Business

In this episode, Suzanne talks about the transformative potential of embracing higher vibrations and the significance of authentic storytelling and speaking to attract ideal clients, build confidence, and drive business success.

She also dives into:

  • Current energetic shifts and the opportunity to step into new levels of leadership and power as the world evolves towards higher vibrations.

  • Common barriers such as overthinking, fear of failure, and external doubt, and emphasizing the importance of aligning with one’s heart and soul to move past these obstacles and manifest dreams.

  • The power of storytelling and authentic communication in attracting dream clients, elevating confidence, and magnetizing abundance in business endeavors.

Welcome back to the Quantum Vibes podcast season two, the business edition. I

am feeling hopeful today. It’s


the eclipse. I

have some expansion this being created on my team. I

am getting ready to go soak in the hot tub after I record this podcast and really just anchor in all of my intentions for this new era of where I believe that we’re moving as a planet and as a whole, which is really into a space in place where the world is going to look different. I


believe that we are transitioning. We

are evolving. We

are crystallizing our bodies into more higher vibrations and it’s time that we’re all being called to step into our power and into new levels of leadership in a new way. I


believe it is my mission to help more heart centered individuals, to help more purpose driven high achievers to create Quantum Vibes, to really begin to shine your light in ways that you haven’t yet because you’re being called. It’s


time. If

you’re listening, this is on purpose. I

want you to trust that. I

want you to know that you have a story, you have a message, you have a mission, and it’s time to begin to get into alignment with that. I

had mentioned I would do a few of the podcast conversations in the business edition around speaking. I


want to talk about the ways that using your voice and using your story can explode your business because they’re speaking and then they’re speaking in a way that will attract dream clients. They’re

speaking in a way that up levels your confidence each step of the way. They’re


speaking in a way where you’re actually delivering more of a transmission energetically where there’s frequency behind it and that is what’s going to lead to ultimate fulfillment. That

is what’s going to lead to you magnetizing clients. That

is what’s going to lead to you opening your own channel and really creating a brand and business that’s in alignment with your unique sole blueprint. What


I think happens to a lot of people with speaking a few things. One

is people don’t realize that speaking isn’t just standing on the stage. It’s

every time you hit the live button on the internet. It’s

every time you’re in conversation with somebody about what it is that you do. It’s


leading a workshop. It’s

having conversations. It’s

leading a zoom call. It’s

all of it. If

you’re in any sort of coaching or mentoring business, you’re speaking all the time. This

is a place where you can absolutely elevate your confidence and more importantly, not more importantly, actually equally as importantly, elevate the way that you’re being seen. If


you have created success and you maybe have even landed some cool speaking opportunities but you haven’t seen results. It’s

like the excitement is there but the tangible clients and abundance haven’t been what you’ve been hoping for yet. Or


maybe you just want to create more success inside of a sole aligned business and you don’t know how then everything I’m going to share with you is going to be valuable today and really inside all of season two of this podcast. So

a lot of times what happens when people want to begin to speak on stages, they get very in their head. It’s


like they’re thinking, they’re trying to memorize. It’s

like they take the magic out of it because they’re thinking and this happens in speaking and this also happens in business planning and strategy. And

so it’s like you’re thinking, you’re thinking and what happens when you’re thinking too much is you close the channel from your heart and from your creative centers in your body, your lower chakras. Now


I talk about this in detail in the Adams Actualization Activation but what I want to share with you here is when you’re too busy thinking and you’re too busy memorizing and you’re too busy focusing on what are people are going to think or am I doing this perfect or is everything in order? Do


I have this this T -Cross and this I dotted and it’s like everything needs to be perfect. What

you’re doing is you’re actually putting yourself in the third dimensional space. You’re

putting yourself in a more dense frequency than you’re actually meant to deliver whatever it is that you’re creating in. And


so I want to invite you just to begin to become really, really aware when you’re trying to we’re thinking too much when we think everything needs to be mapped out and it’s like what do I need to do here and I’m doing this and I’m doing this and I hired this coach and I did this program and I did this and I’m getting the branding and I’m doing all of these things when really what we need to be doing is connecting to our heart and our soul and our story and sharing it in a way where the people that we’re meant to serve can see it and it really can be that simple. And


so I just want you to notice where have you been in your head too much and where are you stalling on your dreams? So

maybe you’re stalling on your dreams because you are in your head too much and you’re thinking, thinking, thinking instead of creating movement and alignment or maybe you’re stalling on your dreams because you’re worried about what other people are going to think or because you’re scared of failing or because you tried once for five minutes and it didn’t work or because you don’t think you know how to make it happen or because those that you love most don’t think it’s possible and don’t think you can create the success that you’ve already created through speaking or through a coaching or mentoring business. And


by the way I’ll just go ahead and take this opportunity to say yes you absolutely can. The

coaching industry is projected to be something like I need to double check this number but something like 350 billion dollars in 2024. So


that could be approximate and I actually think it could be more and the reason for that is exactly what I was talking about at the beginning of this podcast when I said the world is changing. People

are hungry for purpose. People

are hungry for alignment. People

are waking up left, right and center to their own calling to their own purpose to their own mission. And


so leaders in this industry are needed and in order to how do I want to say this? It’s

like escape the matrix if you will. You’ve

got to have people around you that support you, that cheer you on, that believe in you to help you take your quantum leap. And


what this means is you’re moving from one identity to the next. So

one identity could be you believe that there’s only one path for you. You

believe that you have to trade time for money. You

believe that you’re meant to go to work, pay bills and die, which is what I used to say all the time and in the beginning of my awakening it’s like the world teaches us that we’re meant to wake up, go to work, pay bills and die basically. That’s


the way that this current quote unquote reality is set up from the way the majority of the people live their lives. And

so here’s what’s really extraordinary about this. When

you can set up a life and business that’s in alignment with your soul and with your story and with your passions and with your purpose, everything changes because it’s not like you’re working. Now


I am a very hard worker. I

am working a lot and the majority of my work feels fun. It

feels activating. It

feels exciting. I’m

like, oh my gosh, I’m living in a dream. Look

at these results. Look

at the results my clients are getting. It


makes me feel so happy when I watch my clients who are having these huge income quantum leaps, who are booking paid speaking gigs, who are selling out their programs and retreats, who are booking corporate clients and I could keep on going on and on about this. And


it’s like my business is booming and it’s in full alignment and it’s in full alignment because I understood the power of being seen and I understood the power of activating a frequency that is unstoppable. And


when you create that frequency of being unstoppable, it’s about coming into alignment with your unique soul blueprint. It’s

about seeing yourself so that you can let other people really see you. If

you want people to see your power, the first thing you’ve got to do is you’ve got to go within and you’ve got to be willing to see your own power in any and every way that you can. When


you become unstoppable, it’s because you’ve got that sure thing frequency going and you understand that this isn’t just a job. It’s

a mission. It’s

a purpose. It’s

a calling. And

what’s really cool about this is this is unique to you. And

so your purpose and mission is going to look different than my purpose and mission is going to look different than your cousin’s purpose and mission is going to look different than your colleague’s purpose and mission. And


not everyone is meant to go out and start their own company or start their own business. But

this is the business edition of the Quantum Vibes podcast. And

so that’s what this is about. And

it’s about understanding that your story can really help you attract a lot of clients and make a lot of money when you understand how to let it do that for you. And


when you understand how to turn up the dial on your confidence and when you understand how to speak your soul and not be in your head and not try to memorize everything all day long. And

so I just want to show you that, you know, my business has basically been built around my story. I


started with my book, which, you know, was a different rendition of Girl Awaken, which Girl Awaken is quote unquote, my story in a fictional way. I

had a wild awakening and it’s in Girl Awaken started with my story. Then

I started coaching and telling my story. And


that began attracting clients. Then

I began my speaking career. My

speaking career has been so amazing and so tremendous. And

it is a gift. It’s

a natural ability for me. And

it’s something I’m very, very good at teaching because it’s an intuitive thing that we have to be able to align our energy, open the portal, open the channel, and begin to share from a powerful, impotent place. And


when you do that, the success is undeniable and it will come, I promise. And

so really beginning to think about what is your story? What

is your unique genius? Are

you sharing it in a way that feels powerful, that feels magnetic? Or

are you dimming everything that you’ve ever done down because you don’t want to be seen because you are worried you might fail? We’ve


got to stop giving other people our power and we’ve got to stop giving the voice of doubt our power. And

so I want you to understand when you can speak your soul and you activate hearts in the audience, whether it’s one or two or three or four or five or 10 or 200 or 1000 people on the other side of the screen or on the other side of a device or it’s on your honest stage and they’re right there with you in the room. When


you begin to activate hearts, you begin to really accelerate your mission and explode your income. It

is honestly that simple. And

so what do we need to do to begin to activate hearts? We’ve

got to come into alignment with our own unique soul blueprint. We’ve

got to really be willing to be seen. We’ve


got to elevate the way that we’re being seen and we’ve got to connect into that unstoppable frequency. Now,

the other thing that I see so many people doing that messes them up and when I say messes them up, I mean keeps you from making the quantum leaps and income that you could make is you’re doing what other people have told you you’re supposed to do instead of truly opening up to your own intuition and your own unique soul blueprint. And


so instead of telling your story in a way that’s unique to you, you’re listening to, I don’t want to give a rag on Toast Masters, but let’s say a Toast Masters coach who told you to talk in this one exact way. You

know, there’s a lot of speaking coaches that teach with these templates that don’t allow you to really come into your own power in your unique way. And


so the way that I built my entire business was around understanding how to speak my soul, understanding how to be seen, really opening up my own channel and coming into alignment with my unique soul blueprint. And

because this was the way I did it, this is how I coach and how I teach. I


want you to understand your unique genius. I

want you to understand your most fulfilling path to success. And

there’s eight million strategies that will get you there, but there’s one energy that will get you there. And

when you begin to open up your heart and you begin to feel your power in a new way, everything becomes more magnetic and a lot of fun. So


I’m really passionate about this conversation and this topic. And

I’m teaching a free masterclass called Scene and Unstoppable. Activate

your power, skyrocket your confidence, and magnetize abundance. And

this is going to be a very activating, magnetizing conversation. So


if you’re ready to finally give your TED Talk, you want to write a best selling book, you want to become the industry leader that you know you are, this is the conversation that you’re going to want to be in. Together

in this masterclass, we’re going to bust through any fears that are blocking you from being seen by soulmate clients, activated frequency that will create success no matter what, and I’m going to help you know how to build a business in alignment with your unique gifts so that you’re absolutely in love with your work and get paid for your unique genius. We


are going to put the link to the Scene and Unstoppable masterclass in the show notes. Absolutely

check it out. And

then the other thing that I want to share with you is I have done something that is very exciting and time sensitive. And


if you don’t know, I am hosting the Quantum Success Leadership Summit. This

is a three day event that will absolutely help you create a quantum leap in your business. It’s

happening in Newport Coast, California, May 31st, June 1st, June 2nd. And


we have a live stream ticket. If

you can’t come be in the room and if you can come be in the room, you absolutely want to grab your ticket. We

are about, I think, 50 % full already. And

I’m doing something specific for the people that want to explode their brand and quantum leap their income through sharing their story, through speaking on stages, and really ready to turn up the dial on being seen. And


I have something called the Quantum Speakers Bundle. And

this is something that you’re going to want to email our team about because it’s time sensitive. And

it includes a ticket to the Quantum Success Leadership Summit, which by the way, we’ll put the link to that in the show notes. If


it’s calling to you, do yourself a favor and put yourself in the room. The

Quantum Speakers Bundle also includes my Speak Your Soul program and another program I did called Mic’d Up and Making Money. And

so the idea of this bundle is it’s everything that you’ll need to understand how to deliver a magnetic talk, to understand how to get booked and paid to speak on stage, to understand what it is that you need to do to explode and blow up your business through speaking. And


you’ll get the energetic upgrades and the community and the three day experience in person. So

if that is calling to you, then the best thing to do is either email hello at susanadamsink .com or come onto Instagram and DM me. My


handle is at susanadamsink. S

-U -Z -A -N -N -E -A -D -A -M -S -I -N -C. And

I just want to leave you with the fact that if you’re listening to this and you’re feeling something in your body, maybe it’s a fear of speaking, maybe it’s like, uh -huh, I know this is meant for me, then today is the day that you can create a Quantum Leap. If


you do something, whether it’s come to my free masterclass or come to the Quantum Success Leadership Summit or jump into this bundle or go on live and announce to the world that you’re about to really create your own ripple effect and that there’s growth and expansion and exciting things happening and you begin to share and you begin to get excited about it and you begin to surround yourself with people that are encouraging you and elevating you and cheering you on, you’re going to create something so special and so magical and it will be the most fulfilling thing that you can ever do. So


thank you so much for listening. Thank

you for being here for this podcast. If

you enjoyed this and you haven’t left a review, if you could please leave a review, we would be so grateful. And

if you know somebody that needs to hear this message, if you could share it with them, it would mean the world to me. So

thank you so much. I’m


sending so many high vibes your way and we will see you on the next episode.