In this episode, Suzanne Adams shares tips and tools and the mindset that will help you manifest more success and abundance from the quantum field in your business.
She also explores:
The power of aligning your energy with infinite possibilities, magic, and manifestation in order to overcome limiting beliefs.
How to connect with your soul’s guidance, allowing intuition and divinity to take the lead in decision-making, ultimately leading to quantum leaps in personal and professional growth.
Letting go of logical constraints and fears in order to observe and transcend doubts while embracing the frequency of abundance and infinite possibilities.
Hi Y’all, welcome back to the Quantum Vibes Podcast.
I have something extraordinary to talk about today.
This is one of my favorite topics, so get ready.
Open your heart, open your mind and begin to plug your energy into an infinite field of possibilities.
Magic and manifesting.
Because today we are talking about manifesting from the quantum field in your business.
This is something that has brought me spaces and places that I once only dreamed of.
If you’ve read Quantum Vibes or listened to season one of this podcast where I read quantum vibes audibly, then you know my basic principles around manifesting.
You know my layman tools around manifesting from the quantum field.
I lay it all out for you right there in season one of this podcast.
So if you haven’t listened yet, don’t go anywhere.
Stay with me right here for this episode, but put it on your list and go back and listen to it as soon as you can.
When I think about my career and what transpired and what has unfolded and the success that I’ve had over this last decade, it is tremendous.
It is extraordinary.
It is exhilarating and it keeps getting better and better.
And that is my wish for you, that you have the tools to manifest everything that your heart and soul desires and for it to keep getting better and better each step of the way.
This past weekend I just wrapped the VIP Speaker Soul Retreat.
It was so special.
It was extraordinary.
The women were powerhouse.
They rocked the stage.
It was like I I can’t even put words because each time I come together with aligned clients, it fuels my soul in a way that I cannot explain.
And when I’m that lit up and when I’m that fueled, they feel it and they have a quantum leap and they’re more expanded.
And that is what I wish for you.
I wish for you that every single time that you’re serving clients in a way that you love that it elevates their transformation times 10.
And when you can understand how to manifest from the quantum field in business, that will absolutely happen for you.
The other thing I think about is I look around sometimes and I’m like, how did I get here?
And I remember when I was first feeling called to really elevate my personal brand.
And I was so scared.
I was terrified because I had nailed corporate.
I had nailed corporate leadership.
I had nailed corporate sales.
I knew what I was doing.
I rocked it.
And to become a beginner again, it just felt terrifying.
And it felt scary.
But it also felt like the only path for me.
I was not willing to ignore the calling in my heart and in my soul because it was so strong.
And so I look around sometimes and I’m like, how did I get here?
How did I create what everyone told me was impossible?
How did I truly create a driving brand in alignment with my heart, my soul, my mission, my purpose, Doing what I love and making abundant money doing it and changing the world all at the same time.
And when I really tap into how did I get here, where I’m utilizing my own gifts, empowering other leaders to go create their own ripple effects, to share their stories and to really change the world.
It’s like that’s how I got here.
By plugging my energy into the frequency of I’m going to change the world, I’m going to elevate the world.
I’m going to help people come into some more alignment with their unique soul blueprint.
I’m going to do my part, and I know I can’t do it alone.
I know I’m going to need help and I’m going to link arms with whoever I need to link arms with to learn what I need to learn.
I’m going to understand how to use my energy.
I’m going to make moves in alignment with my unique soul blueprint.
And from that space and place I’m going to create quantum leaps.
And that’s exactly what I did over and over again.
And honestly, what I’m still doing, and that’s what I want to share with you here today.
So if you’re listening to this, I’m going to assume that you have big wild dreams.
I’m going to assume that you’re a leader and you desire to be more of a leader.
I’m going to assume that you desire lots of money in your life and that you’re really up to big things.
Because those are the types of people I attract in my world and in my business.
People that are ready for high level experiences, People that know they’re meant to be known.
People that want to spread light inside of their communities, inside of their companies and really begin to elevate each other.
Because I’ll tell you you one thing.
If you want to manifest from the quantum field, you have to let go of this idea that there is a limited amount of resources and a limited amount of money and a limited amount of opportunities.
Because when you’re manifesting from the quantum field, there is endless possibilities.
There are infinite potentials, and there’s not a shortage, like at all.
And there’s no shortage.
That is not the vibe.
It’s like you have this amazing success, which is rewiring and reprogram my mind that I can have this amazing success.
Who knows what we could create when we really sync up and plug into this field of infinite possibilities?
And so instead, it’s like this frequency of activation that opens me up and inspires me and tells me that I can have it too.
And we’ve got to get out of the mindset of this third dimensional idea that there’s a limited amount of supply.
And when someone gets more, it means someone else gets less.
Because when you understand how to create from the quantum field, your desires expand what’s possible.
I’m going to say that again, your desires expand what’s possible.
And I think this is very relevant in the time when there’s people saying that, oh, there’s a recession happening or a recession coming.
And I’m not saying that’s not true for some people.
But what I’m saying is when you understand how to manifest from the quantum field in business, you open your mind to new possibilities.
And so if you do happen to have some sort of belief around recession or a time that’s not working well for your company or your business, there is always another way where there is a lot of abundance available to you.
It’s up to you to begin to plug your energy into how is this working out for me?
Where is the opportunity and what do I need to do to really come into alignment to where I’m going no matter what.
And when you begin to open up to that energy, you begin to be shown the next step in the next way.
So for those of you that have done the Adam’s actualization activation with me, when I’m talking about the lower a, that lower field that represents the third dimension, reality, it represents your personality.
There is a lot of lack and a lot of limitation in this dimension and this is the dimension most people operate on.
This is the dimension where logic exists.
This is the dimension where usually your your mind is driving, if you let it.
And So what we have to do is we have to stop operating off of the limitations of the third dimension.
And the way that you do that is you choose it.
You begin to see things differently.
You begin to open up to new ideas and new possibilities, and you understand the power that you hold.
Because we all have the same amount of power, some of us know how to use it more powerfully than others.
And if you are are having a realization during this conversation, and if you’re realizing that maybe your logical mind or the voice of doubt has been driving, this is the perfect opportunity to shift that and change that and decide.
No longer will my logical mind drive.
No longer will my fear drive.
I’m inviting in my heart, my intuition, my soul to have the keys of the ignition to my car of life.
And I talk about this quite a bit in my book Quantum Vibes as well.
Because that absolutely matters when you’re manifesting from the quantum field, because your logical mind doesn’t know how to take you to the quantum field, it doesn’t make any sense.
And so when you’re going to manifest from a place of infinite possibilities, the part of you that’s connected to divinity and infinite possibility has to be driving.
The more that you can point your alignment arrows up to your dreams, to your desires, to what you actually want instead of what you believe is possible, the more the beautiful manifestation process of manifesting from the quantum field of infinite possibilities will flow to you.
So one more time, I just want to say the layman pieces of this, the introductory pieces of this, are inside of season one of this podcast.
And what I want to do today is I want us to begin to play and expand in deeper openings and higher experiences and really open up to what our unique soul blueprint is guiding us to do.
So let’s just drop in for a second.
Close your eyes, notice where all of your energy is, and just watch as it’s cleansed and cleared and elevated.
And then just pull all of your energy right back into the center of your chest, pulling all of your power, all of your frequency, all of your vitality right into the center of your chest.
All of your energy back in your body and in your heart, placing your hand on your heart for just a moment.
Feel that miracle, that divinity that lives inside of you.
It doesn’t make logical sense.
What’s causing your heart to beat?
It doesn’t make logical sense now because your heart beating doesn’t make logical sense.
Doesn’t mean it’s not beating.
It’s beating right there, full force vitality inside of you.
It just is.
It doesn’t make logical sense that you were able to just feel your energy and pull it back into your heart, but you were able to do it.
I want you to begin to feel your personality merging with your soul.
Feeling your highest, wisest, truest self coming into your body.
Feeling all of your energy coming into your third dimensional being and body.
Notice what it feels like as you begin to feel your power.
Even more and more.
Notice what it feels like as you begin to remember who you are as you begin to remember your unique path.
Opening up to receive the next steps that are in alignment with your unique soul Blueprint.
Opening up to your unique genius, your unique story, and your unique path.
What is it that your soul, this wisdom that’s already right inside of you, is guiding you toward?
What’s a dream that your soul wants to reveal to you in this moment?
Taking your time, feeling into this vision.
Maybe you see a vision, maybe you see a color.
Maybe you simply have a feeling or a knowing.
Maybe an idea or an experience comes to mind.
It doesn’t matter.
There is no right and there is no wrong.
This is wisdom from you to you and just opening up to the receptivity of allowing your soul to guide you each step of the way in this process.
Knowing that is going to change the game.
Knowing that is going to guide you into more magic, more fulfillment, more richness, more excitement, more expansion, and more quantum vibes.
Holding this frequency again for just a few moments, and when you’re ready, you can blink your eyes open to the room.
This is a really awesome opportunity to connect with your soul in a new way, because when you’re manifesting from the quantum field, your soul needs to have the keys to the ignition of your car of life.
So who is driving your car of life?
When I think about what I’ve created, when I think about the results my clients are getting that are extraordinary, it’s not from the logical mind.
It’s not from what we believe is possible.
It’s from allowing our soul to show us visions of potentiality and from us having the courage to link arms with each other, to see each other as the visionaries, as the leaders, as the powerhouses that we are, and to begin to inspire each other.
And that’s honestly how I’ve built what I’ve built.
My entire business is looking for evidence of what’s possible, looking at who I can learn from understanding energetics.
Understanding how to align with my unique soul blueprint, pointing my alignment arrows up into the infinite field of possibilities, and moving from that space in place because your logical mind isn’t going to take you to the spaces and places that you’re so will.
It just won’t.
Your soul isn’t operating in the third dimension.
Your soul is operating from the quantum field, from the space of infinite possibilities.
Your soul knows so much more than you know.
So why aren’t you tapping into that wisdom more?
I’ll tell you why.
Because we live in a noisy world where there’s a lot of people that have opinions or there’s a lot of people telling you you can’t have this, and that’s not realistic, and your mind is keeping you stuck in logic.
And so it’s up to you to let that go, to drop that, to allow any fears that are going to come up to come up.
Because they will.
Every next level, as you’re stepping into who you’re meant to be, the fear is going to come up.
And it’s up to you not to let it take the driver’s seat, to really allow your alignment arrows to plug up into the field of infinite possibilities and just observe your fears.
Just observe your mind telling them I see you.
I see you.
Voice of doubt.
Yep, I hear you.
But Nope, you’re not going to have the keys.
You are not driving.
I will not let you have the power.
I will not surrender to the fear or to the voice of doubt anymore, and instead I’m inviting in my highest, truest, wisest self.
I’m feeling the frequency of my soul, and I’m moving from this space.
I’m getting to know this piece of me more and more.
This is the piece of me that’s making the decisions, especially when they don’t make sense, even when it feels scary.
Because I know that this is my power, and I know this is what’s going to take me into more and more alignment with my unique Soul Blueprint.
And I didn’t come here to play small, and I didn’t come here to sit on the sidelines, and I didn’t come here to watch everybody else go live their big wild dreams.
Well, I just sit here on the sofa with Netflix.
And so I’m going to make some moves today, and I’m going to open up to new possibilities and I’m going to really tap into what is my unique genius and what is my unique Soul Blueprint.
I’m going to tap into what are my soul’s desires.
And my soul desires a lot.
I have big dreams.
I know I’m meant to reach a lot of people.
I know I’m meant to make a lot of money.
I know I’m meant to really elevate the world and change the world in a really exciting way.
And I don’t know how I’m going to create that, but I know that I am.
And that frequency right there is what brought me into living the life of my dreams.
And that frequency right there is what brought me into living the life of my dreams, that frequency, and making moves from that frequency.
Now if you aren’t having that frequency enough, meaning that’s not the loop, that’s not the conversation that’s happening in your mind yet.
You’ve got to put yourself in spaces and places that will elevate you, that will help you to rewire and reprogram your mind into alignment with more of that conversation and that storyline.
And you need to go to the spaces and places that are going to help you elevate and upgrade your frequency and help you to hear your own soul and help you to come into more and more alignment with your unique soul blueprint.
You might be thinking, where would I find one of these rooms?
Guess what, I have the perfect room for you.
And it’s happening May 31st through June 2nd and Newport Coast, CA at the Pelican Hill Resort.
And it’s the Quantum Success Leadership Summit that is the room.
If this conversation has resonated with you, if this short amount of time that we’ve spent together, you feel activated and open, imagine what 3 full days in person in the room with me would do and I can tell you it will change your life.
It will put you in alignment with your unique soul blueprint More and more it will open your heart.
It will expand possibilities for you.
It will transcend fears, rewire limiting beliefs, and connect you with an extraordinary community and upgrade your wealth consciousness.
And you’re going to have the most fun each step of the way.
So we’re getting close to this and in person.
Tickets are filling up quickly, so if you’re interested, get your ticket today.
Don’t think open up to your soul.
Let your soul have the driver’s seat and make a move from that space.
Open your heart.
Feel this activation.
If your soul is calling you to get in this room, now is the time.
What I am body when I’m on stage is so contagious that when you’re in the room with me, your entire life and business will be elevated.
I promise a quantum leap in your identity.
You’re going to have a quantum leap in your confidence.
A quantum leap in your magnetism is inevitable, which means a quantum leap in your results is also inevitable.
So if your soul is calling you to this experience, now is the time.
We’re going to put the link in the show notes for you.
And I am so excited and cannot wait to watch what happens because if you want to manifest from the Quantum field, this is the perfect launching pad for it.
Three days in the room and your life is going to be elevated on all fronts.
Now if you desire to be in this room, but there’s truly a reason that you cannot come in person.
Like a really important reason that you cannot be there in person.
We do have live stream tickets available and that’s the next best thing.
So if you can come and be in the room, that’s ideal.
If you can’t, you do still get the energy through the virtual experience and there is a live stream ticket.
When you buy the live stream experience, you get to come in the room with us virtually and you have a little bit of time after to watch in case you couldn’t be in the room the entire time virtually with us live.
So I am on a mission to empower leaders, CEOs, authors, innovators, executives, coaches, healers, people that are ready to create a name for themselves in a much bigger way inside of their industry then you want to be in my world.
And when you understand quantum manifestation and when you understand how to apply it in business, the game changes.
Your life changes.
Not only does your business change, but your personal life, your levels of fulfillment, the levels of fulfillment you feel inside of your business changes.
And all of it elevates.
Trust me, I’ve been doing this for a decade, and I can guarantee that if you’re ready for an upgrade, if you’re ready for a quantum leap, the quantum success is absolutely the room that’s going to take you there.
So if you haven’t gotten your ticket yet, go to the Show Notes Register and the expansion starts the moment you say yes and the moment you hit submit, because we’re opening up the portal right that minute.
The last thing I want to say is, if you come into this room with me or not, the quantum field is still available to you.
And the more and more you can hear your soul, the more that you’re moving in alignment with your unique soul blueprint.
The more you activate a magnetism, the more you open your heart.
The more you allow higher frequencies to come into your body.
You’re going to be unstoppable the more you understand.
How to rewire or reprogram your mind.
And so much of this is experiential and that’s why I host these in person events, because I can share with you the tools right here on this podcast.
In fact, I’m transmitting a very high vibration right now.
I hope that you can feel it.
We can get the ball rolling with these conversations.
We can really begin to open up to new possibilities in a lot of different ways.
But I can tell you when you’re in the room with the container and the energy, the way that I hold it for you for a few days, you’ll literally rewire and reprogram and quantum leap years of healing, years of programming, all in three days.
It is guaranteed.
If you come in this room, you’re going to experience the expansion.
So whether it’s my room or whether it’s another room that someone calls to, you start to gather with the people you admire and that excite you and then activate you and then expand you and learn from them.
I’m telling you, the relationships that you will build, the frequency that you will experience, if you’re in my room, it’s absolutely unmatched.
And if you’re here with me now, I know the right room for you is the Quantum Success Leadership Summit.
So I’m just going to leave all of that right there for you.
I want you to go back and listen to this podcast one more time if you felt it was activating because you’re going to hear something new.
Your soul is calling you.
Your soul is guiding you.
Now is the time.
And I’d absolutely love to be the one to support you.
Thank you for listening.
I can’t wait to see you back here on the next episode.
And for those of you that are going to be live and in person with me, I can’t wait to give you the biggest hug to create quantum leaps and for you to be my next testimonial.
So cheers to making big wild dreams come true and I will see you very soon on the next episode.