In today’s episode, Suzanne shares her most powerful manifesting secret!
She also shares 3 mindset shifts that you can implement immediately that will help you create more tangible success in life and business!
And there’s more:
A simple process to open a magnetic portal in your heart, leading to unparalleled fulfillment and happiness.
How to harness the power of quantum manifestation to manifest your desires effortlessly.
The #1 tool to create more magnetism, money, and success in your life and business.
Welcome back to the Quantum.
Vibes Podcast.
We have a very special and unique addition for y’all today.
So this past weekend I delivered the Turning on Your Sure Thing Energy Master class and the feedback has been phenomenal.
It was about an hour long and it was so good.
That I’m going to.
Share it here with you today inside of this episode.
So in just a moment it will start.
But what I want you to really listen for is 1.
What lands in your body?
Like you’re, I’m going to say things and you’re going to feel something and it’s going to be like, uh huh, you’re going to feel it in your body and you’re going to know it’s for you.
The other thing that I share is 3 mindset and energetic shifts that you can implement immediately like today.
That will help.
You create more money, more alignment, more magnetism, more success, more clients, all of your desires.
So get excited, listen all the way till the end because there is so much magic in store for you and I hope that you enjoy the sure thing Energy Master class as a podcast episode.
Here we go.
Hi y’all.
Welcome to the Sure Energy Master class.
I am very excited for this conversation.
Today we are going to have a lot of fun.
We are going to create some magic.
We’re going to create a manifestation portal for dreams to be actualized together.
Today, in our time together, tell me what you’re excited to manifest.
This is a big piece of the sure Thing energy.
Turning on your sure thing Energy means that you’re ready and willing to claim big wild dreams.
Who here believes they are meant to create positive change, positive impact on the planet?
Who here believes that?
Because if you’re in my world and if you’re in this master class, chances are you’re meant to create positive change in the world.
And so the reason I’m asking this is because if this is you, if you have a desire to create positive change, to create positive impact, to create a positive ripple effect, then everything that I’m sharing with you today is going to be 10X.
It’s going to be activated times 10 because what we’re talking about today is getting yourself in alignment with your soul, your mission and your purpose, and creating a magnetism that you alone cannot create because this is a Co creation with you, with your higher power, and with your soul’s mission.
Today we are going to get dialed in on 2 frequencies that are going to change the game and change the way that you’re able to manifest.
OK, so obviously this is the Sure Thing Energy Master class.
This is about turning on your Sure Thing energy.
And there’s something even more exciting about turning on your Sure Thing energy when it’s in alignment with your heart, your soul, your purpose and your mission.
And so we’re going to, I’m going to teach you today all about turning on your Sure Thing energy, and I’m going to teach you how to do it from a place of sovereign power.
Now I want to know if you’re on with me, what is sovereign power mean to you?
There is no right, there is no wrong.
But this is important to really start to understand what sovereign power means to you.
So to me, sovereign power means this all knowing, all-encompassing space of overflow, of fulfilment, of connection.
Of power within inner strength.
Personal power, Yes.
Y’all are nailing it.
So we need the sure thing energy, and we need to use the sure thing energy from a space of sovereign power.
And when you do that, you will actualize more dreams than you can ever begin to imagine.
Standing in my own authentic truth with total agency and abundance.
Claiming and living your truth.
Power that nothing and no one else shakes.
Power aligned with my heart and my soul, my own power.
Y’all are nailing it.
OK, So what I want to really share with you is when you turn on your sure thing energy, and you do it in alignment with your heart, your soul, your power, your mission, you do it from a place of sovereign power, you create an undeniable frequency that God and the universe loves to work with.
And so there’s this is the one thing that is the commonality between results in in my world, in my clients worlds.
So I’ve had so many clients create success.
I’ve been doing this for about a decade and I’ve had clients that have created success this year.
I’ve had so many clients that have created success over the years.
And the commonality is this.
They turn on their sure thing, energy, and they’re walking with sovereign power.
And because what I do, everything that I do is about a rewiring and a reprogramming of your mind is about helping you come into alignment with your unique soul blueprint.
I want you to understand that when I share with you successes in my own life and in my client’s life, it is a reprogramming and a rewiring and evidence to your subconscious mind.
So here’s some results that have come from my clients that have activated their own sure thing energy, that have held their sovereign power and that have stepped 1 foot in one foot at a time, taking the next step without needing to know the whole way and implemented what I’m going to share with you in today’s master class.
And so just a couple of examples here are I had, you know, one of my big celebrations that I’m celebrating is my phenomenal client Christy, who came to Me 2 1/2 years ago and she was making $7000 a month in her business.
In 2023 she made $250,000 in her business.
And this year alone and the first two months, she made $99,000 a six figures in two months.
That’s a quantum leap.
And it started with turning on her sure thing energy and moving from a place of sovereign power.
I’ve had clients come in my world making five to $10,000 a month, jumping into the 20, five, $30,000 a month consistently.
I’ve had clients come in at $30,000 a month and jump to $100,000 month.
I’ve had clients come in wanting to manifest love and they’ve done it.
I’ve had clients wanting to manifest homes, cars.
It’s happened and here’s here’s why.
And the reason it’s not about the money at all, but the reason I like to share money wins is because it’s a tangible way to measure success.
And so what’s even more exciting is these clients have come in my world and they begin to host their own retreats and workshops and sell them out, and they’re feeling more fulfilled and more excited and more alive than ever.
So if those are the results that you would like to have in your life, then listen, because we’re about to create them for you in what I’m going to share with you today.
When I look at my own story as an example of possibility, it blows my own mind.
And I’m not going to spend a lot of time during this master class today sharing too much about my story.
But I want to give you just a couple of pieces of it because I want to transcend any fears, any doubts, any beliefs.
And I want to take you on the quantum leap with me that I have, that I have created.
So this is so fun seeing all of you and and and seeing where where we connected.
So in 2013, I had what I call now my first quantum moment, my first quantum moment.
And that was something that changed my life forever.
And a quantum moment to me is a moment where there’s a line in the sand and you can’t Unsee, you can’t unremember, you can’t unfeel.
And I was at the space and place in my life where I had spent way too much time trying to fit into a box that didn’t have my name on it.
I was doing what other people told me that I was supposed to do.
I was trying to find every, every level of fulfillment any way I could from out there.
I was looking for fulfillment through success and job achievements.
I was looking through fulfillment in relationships.
I was looking through fulfillment in what I had acquired.
I was looking through fulfillment in every single place except for the one place where I was actually going to find it.
And there was a day in 2013 where I had been numbing myself for a couple of months.
And what I mean by this is 5:00 would roll around and I would have a glass of wine and I would have a glass of wine to take the edge off.
And it wasn’t like it wasn’t an experience of alcoholism.
It wasn’t anything like that.
But who here has ever had a glass of wine to take the edge off?
And when I was doing that, it was like I didn’t even realize it was a problem.
But when I did it, day after day after day after day, and I waited till 5:00 every single day and life kept feeling I don’t even have words for it, just dull.
And I was more disconnected, more disempowered than I ever had been before.
And one day I was sitting on the sofa and I was looking at the clock and it was 459.
And I’m staring, and I’m waiting for 5:00, and it’s 4:59 and 4:59 and 4:59 and 4:59 and 4:59, and I’m just staring and I’m waiting.
And as I’m staring at the clock, it is 459.
And gosh, it still brings up emotion in me because something unlocked inside of me that day.
It was like I heard my soul for the very first time.
And there was a voice inside of me that said, girl, what are you doing?
You were meant for so much more.
What are you doing?
And in that moment I fell to my knees and I looked up to the heavens and I said, I am not willing to go down this lonely dark Rd. anymore and show me, show me the way.
And in that moment, I realized that God had come in and there was divine intervention in my life because it was literally a 10 minute 459.
And in that moment, everything shifted.
And instead of going into the kitchen that day and getting a glass of wine and pouring it to numb the pain, I decided to change everything that I was doing.
And I began to find books and I began to find podcasts, and I began to look for inspiration.
And I stopped walking the path of the helpless victim.
And I started walking the path of the empowered creator.
And in walking the path of the empowered creator, everything changed in my life and what I did without realizing that realizing it, that day I began to turn the dial up on my sure thing energy.
And I began to turn, turn the dial up on my sure thing energy.
Because I made a decision that no matter what, I was going to create happiness.
I was going to create fulfillment.
And in that moment, I had no idea about souls calling, souls purpose.
I had no idea that I was going to change my career.
I just knew I needed to feel better and I needed to feel happy.
And So what happened is over the next two years I was on a journey to love myself.
I began attending retreats.
I began putting myself in rooms where conversations were elevating.
I began learning about quantum physics and neuroscience and intuition and self love and purpose.
And I began to find everything that I had been searching for outside of me.
Exactly, Katie.
I stepped into my own sovereign power.
I began to come into alignment with my unique soul blueprint.
And when I did that, you know, it was so awesome.
I didn’t need any of the I didn’t need the external validation.
I had it with the desires.
There were the dreams there.
Were they big?
But I did not need them.
It was like everything was overflow, everything was abundance, everything was extra.
And from that space I began, I began to share my voice and share my story.
From that space I felt a calling to write my first book and but in 2015 I launched my first book. 2016 I got invited to speak at Hay House.
Y’all Hay House.
Get out of the gate.
Let me and 25 other New York Times bestselling authors.
It was literally me and Deepak Chopra and Gabby Bernstein and the girl that was hosting the Joy from the Today Show and every other New York Times best selling author that I had been studying 2016.
I’m hosting my own events in my own retreats.
They’re selling out 2018.
I’m speaking for Mind Valley 2019.
I’m standing on the TEDx Circle delivering a talk that has now reached 3 point over 3 point 1,000,000 people. 2020 I moved across the world, across the country from Georgia to Laguna Beach, and I lived in this most beautiful oceanfront space that was so perfect for me.
It was a dream come true and I lived there for four years.
If you’ve seen the videos, you know how special it was.
Last year I bought the home of my dreams.
I don’t know if you can really see the view, but if you follow me, it’s here.
And here’s what I want to tell you about this sure thing.
Energy will put.
It will take you to the spaces that your soul is dreaming for you.
It will elevate everything when you understand how to turn it on.
And I’m sharing my story with you because I want you to know that I am the most fulfilled that I have ever been.
And I’m still growing and I’m still on the stairway to heaven on earth.
But each step gets better and better.
And I’m not meant to do this alone.
I meant to take you with me.
And so I’m here to tell you what’s possible.
I’m here to show you what’s possible through my experiences and through my clients experiences.
And the reason that I asked you Are you meant to change the world is because my is if you’re meant to change the world is to inspire you, to empower you, to help give you the tools to help you succeed.
And so, yes, claiming 2024 to be the year, I absolutely love that.
So I want to begin to take you on a path and give you some tangible tools that you can use today to become more and more alignment with your sovereign power and to turn up the dial on your sure thing energy.
So I want to explain something here.
There is a lot of different realities happening simultaneously in this world.
And I want to explain with you what I mean and how you can change it and and and and why it matters.
So in this moment, right now, whether you’re with me in real time or whether you’re watching on instant access, in this moment right now, there are multiple realities.
So let me explain what I mean.
We’re here.
We’re having a high vibrational conversation that can change our lives lives.
There’s somebody right now that is in the hospital giving birth, that is bringing in the most beautiful, beautiful bundle of love, of joy into the into their the world.
There’s somebody that’s on a hike somewhere that’s climbing, that’s going this, this, this moving, you know, creating something.
There’s somebody that is struggling.
There’s somebody that is sitting on a sofa right now having their 450 moment, awakening from their dark night of the soul.
There’s somebody right now who’s is standing on a beach.
There’s somebody right now who is, who is potentially on their deathbed taking their last breath.
There’s somebody who’s looking around at the world and saying this isn’t the space and place I want to be in.
There’s somebody that’s building something that’s going to change the world through their own innovation and through their own power.
And so why I’m saying this is there multiple realities happening at the same time in one reality and so many times as heart centered entrepreneurs and as leaders, as innovators, we think how am I going to rise if if somebody’s going through this dark hour and that is always going to be the case, there is always going to be somebody going through their dark hour whether they’re close to you or not.
We’re we’re in the human journey and that’s part of the human journey.
And there’s also always going to be somebody thriving.
There’s also somebody going to be moving in to that space and place of the empowered creator.
And when you’re in the energy of the empowered creator, you’re life gets to change and you begin to turn up the dial on your sure thing frequency.
And so I want to explain to you a way that you can direct your energy, your intention, into the infinite field of possibilities, into the field of quantum vibes, and how you can do it and walk with this no matter what your reality is in the moment.
Because when you change your energy, you change the game.
And when your alignment arrows are pointed up into the infinite field of possibilities, you turn on the dial of the sure thing energy.
Someone will be struggling, someone will be thriving.
Always you get to choose.
Do you want to be the person thriving?
So some of you know The Who here knows the atom’s actualization activation.
I want to just bring it over here and explain a couple things for you here.
So this was, this is a blueprint that I channeled.
And there’s a I have a whole training on it.
But for the purposes of today, I want you to understand this representation, OK?
If you don’t know what the chakras are, don’t worry about it.
If you do know what they are, just know that these are energy centers that you have in your body that are divine intelligence.
Now this is what I call your alignment arrows, OK, This one represents the third dimensional world.
So the the tangible, everything that we’re doing in this third dimensional world, this one represents the possibilities like who’s here has ever manifested something and it felt exciting.
If you’ve manifested something and you felt excited, there’s an energy that you carry.
It’s right here.
This alignment arrow represents that frequency of love, that love energy.
OK, so if you’ve read my book, Quantum Vibes, who’s read my book Quantum Vibes?
If you’ve read my book Quantum Vibes, and if you have not read it, then in my podcast I read it audibly for free in season one.
You can check it out.
Now I talk about the love frequency.
And that is relevant because what you’ve got to do, if you want to hold sovereign power and be able to hold more magnetism in your body and be able to actualize dreams, you’ve got to be able to hold a frequency of love in your body.
And then you’ve got to understand your power.
And so if you think about merging your personality with your soul, that is sovereign power.
Oh, red quantum vibes in one day.
I like that.
If you think about really thinking about the pieces of you, so there’s there’s your personality, there’s who you are, there’s the identity that you carry, and that’s in this third dimensional world, Then you have your highest self, that piece of you that is from God, that is from the divine that you walk with every day.
And then you have the infinite field of possibilities.
And when you can align all of these pieces, you open up a channel right here where you can pull and magnetize from the quantum field.
Now, there’s a lot of nuances to this.
I could literally teach on this, this one thing for three weeks, but we don’t have three weeks.
And so again, I have a whole, a whole.
This is a blueprint of how you can manifest from the quantum field and I’m just sharing some nuances with you today.
So when I say you’re a long alignment arrows, that’s what I mean.
I mean it’s it’s the intention, it’s the energy, it’s your thinking, it’s your mind, it’s your heart, it’s possibility and where your alignment arrows pointed.
And so I want to explain a few things around this.
When I say your alignment arrows, here’s here’s where we go.
We get it wrong.
Let’s say you want to manifest speaking on a TE DX stage and you’ve applied or or someone has told you that you’re going to get it and and you think you’re going to get it.
And then you never hear from them and you find out that they’ve casted the event and you didn’t get it.
And So what happens instead of your alignment arrows going up into the quantum field of like, OK, well, it wasn’t that one.
It’ll be the next one or something better is coming.
You look at what?
Where is it?
Why didn’t I get it?
Or let’s say you’re manifesting money and you’re like money, money, money, money.
And you want all the money, and you’re wanting the money to come in, and you’re manifesting money, and you’re holding the energy and you’re nailing it and you’ve got it.
And then all of a sudden you get an unexpected bill, or all of a sudden that was more than you thought it was going to cost.
And your alignment arrows, instead of being up in the field of infinite possibilities, they’re looking into the reality, into that third dimensional reality, which is that bottom arrow.
Now there are some nuances to this and then some nuances to this are basic needs met.
We’ve got to get out of survival mode.
And here’s what I mean.
If you’re in survival mode, meaning that there there are things that have to happen in this third dimensional world that you’ve got to get taken care of.
You do that first because if you can’t pay bills or you’ve manifested too many clients, this happens sometimes and and for my clients they manifested all the clients they wanted and then they’re like, oops, I got to serve all these clients before I can manifest more.
So it’s like they’re all of these different things and you begin to think about really getting grounded.
So, so part of this is you have the bottom of the A’s, which is means you’re rooted and pressed firmly to the ground because sometimes when we try to manifest from the quantum field, we’re not grounded.
And if we’re not grounded, we’re not in our power.
And in order to be really full and sovereign power, we need 2 feet on the ground rooted in gratitude.
For everything is alignment arrows up heart open into the into the field of infinite possibilities and desires.
Now, there is something I want to share with y’all around sure thing energy.
Because sure thing energy means that you’re a sure thing.
It means that you hold the frequency of what it is that you’re desiring to create, no matter what.
OK, so your reality is created from where your alignment arrows are pointed.
Plain and simple.
Now remember, I just told you, there’s all kinds of realities happening simultaneously.
You create your reality.
This, these represents your energy, your frequency.
Your energy is your most prized possession.
No one can take it away from you unless you give it to them.
And we want to be feeding into our own energy.
We want to be at our most powerful space, so then we can pour into people.
Sometimes we try to give to others without feeling ourselves up and without walking into the room with our full power, and then everything falls flat because our alignment arrows aren’t up.
They’re actually looking ahead of us.
OK, so I am very, very good at explaining some of these more esoteric things in a way that is very much layman and tangible.
Again, if you’ve read my book Quantum Vibes or listen to the Quantum Vibes podcast, you know that now when I was in the hosting the Sedona Vortex immersion recently, I I got this idea and this story dropped in.
And the reason this story dropped in is because it was a beautiful, beautiful analogy that you can use that is going to help you turn up the dial on your sure Thing energy.
So what’s really cool about this is I knew how to activate Sure Thing energy before I knew what Sure Thing Energy was, I did this on a subconscious level.
So it was in 2000, I think it was 2011, and I was in sales.
But when I was in the corporate world and I was very much in alignment when I was in sales, because remember, I hadn’t awakened yet.
I was in a job where I loved it.
I excelled.
I was very good at it.
I offered a ton of value and I was very driven.
That is alignment.
It’s like zoom.
It was all in alignment until it wasn’t.
But in this moment it was very much in alignment.
And this particular year there was a sales incentive contest and the winners went to Bora Bora on an all expense trip.
Trip like 5 star luxury trip to Bora Bora for two.
And it was one of those things that I was like Bora Bora.
I love travel, I love adventure, I love luxury.
This this trip had my name written all over it.
Who here has ever been to Bora Bora or wants to go to Bora Bora?
Highly recommend it.
So we were getting about, we were in like November, so almost at the end of the year.
This was a year long incentive and I didn’t think I was going to win.
There was a couple of 100 sales reps and 10 went, I think it was 10 that won.
So you needed to be like really up in the top to win.
I don’t know where I was falling, but I did not really think I was in the race for it.
And what happened was there was a, there was someone that believed in me, that called me and it was one of the reps that was up.
And he wanted me to be on that trip because we were buddies and got along and he called and he said, Suzanne, I think you’re going to win this trip.
And I was like, I don’t think so.
He goes, yes, you are, let’s get dialed in.
What do you need to happen to make one extra sale every day?
Let’s build the momentum.
And he served as kind of a coach for me because what he did for me was he helped me to quantum leap, collapse time and believe in myself a little bit more.
And I didn’t even understand that he was doing that.
So Long story short, I ended up winning.
I was like 5th or 6th in the entire company.
I ended up winning the trip.
Sure thing, energy creates success, but that’s not even what what this whole thing is about.
So I end up going to Bora Bora.
Now to go to Bora Bora, the time I was living in Atlanta, GA so that meant I needed to fly to LA.
There was a long layover in LA.
Then there was like a 10 or 11 hour flight to Tahiti.
Then there was an overnight in Tahiti.
Then you have like 5 hours.
You go to the airport, then you’re on a puddle jumper, then you’re on another puddle jumper, then you.
Then it was a boat ride to get to the glass bottom huts in the middle of the ocean in the middle of nowhere.
So it was a little bit of a trek to get there and every ounce of it was exciting, but it was a lot.
So we get there.
I’m so excited having the best time in the hat.
We had these different excursions.
OK, so one day, one of the excursions was to go swim with sharks.
No thank you.
Who here would like to swim with sharks?
Some people.
That feels really exciting to me.
I was like, but I was in Bora Bora and I didn’t come all that way to just sit and observe.
I came that way to have the experience.
So I decided, OK, let’s go for it.
So we get on the boat and the boat is going and then we go far out.
So like the, if you can see, visualize the mountain of Bora Bora, we’re far out.
We’re probably on the ride for like 20-30 minutes on the boat ride, maybe even farther.
We get to the space.
The water is just this beautiful turquoise, crystal clear blue and there’s nothing around.
Well, in my mind when I when we were going to go swim with sharks, I thought there was going to be this like glass wall, this like oceanic zoo where there would be this glass wall and the sharks would be behind the wall.
But that wasn’t the case.
We’re so we’re standing out, we’re in the boat and the captain of the boat begins to explain what’s happening, what’s going to happen and he gets this rope that is twisted, it’s like that thick.
And he explains what’s happening and he says, here’s how this is going to go.
I’m going to throw this rope down over here.
The sharks are going to come to this side of the rope.
You’re not meant to cross this rope.
And then he starts explaining that he’s going to take this fish, all of these fish chum, and put it on that side of the rope.
But somehow the sharks aren’t going to.
They’re going to understand there’s an invisible boundary that they cannot come back.
Come on the other side of.
And I’m like, OK, let me get this straight.
So we are in the middle of the ocean.
There’s no nothing anywhere.
You’re going to take a bunch of dead fish and throw them out.
There’s going to be shark swarming.
But they understand not to go under this rope.
And then we’re just going to swim with them and have fun.
And they’re like, and I’m like, oh, my gosh.
So I’m just kind of observing at this point.
And there’s some people that are in it.
They’re like, ready to go.
They’ve got this snorkel, snorkel mask on.
They’re first in the water.
What happens is the captains went out, They threw out the rope just like they said they would.
They got buckets of chum.
They’re like passing them over.
It’s like an assembly line there.
They’re passing all the chum and they’re putting it out in the ocean.
And it’s all of these sharks come out of nowhere, out of the wild, and they are just going to town.
So now I’m watching the people from the boat are getting in the water and they’re swimming and it’s actually happening where the sharks are understanding the invisible boundary, and there’s probably 300 of them.
So I’m watching and there’s part of me that wants to just stay and watch from the comfortability of of the boat, and there’s part of me that wants to get in.
And what I started to say in my mind is I didn’t come this far, to only come this far.
I didn’t get on the plane.
I didn’t win the trip.
Get on all the planes, get on the puddle jumper, get on the boat, have all the layovers to get here and sit here and watch and not be a part of the magic.
So I take a breath, I put on my sure thing energy.
I go in the water and I’m literally, I’m on, I’m staying on this side of the rope because here’s what the here’s what the captain said.
He said if you go under the rope, you’re in shark territory.
They will eat you for lunch and they’ll think you’re chum.
Do not cross the rope.
But as long as you stay on this side of the rope, you’re going to feel, but you will not.
You’re going to be fine.
And So what happened was my heart was beating.
I was feeling uncomfortable.
I’m swimming.
The sharks are on this side of the rope and they’re staying there and I stay there and I sit there and what happened was my nervous system had to get used to this feeling for a second and then I was able to stay there for 1520 minutes and then I’m like, OK, I’m done now.
Here’s what happened.
There were some people that never got off the boat and as I was going back and they’re starting, the guides are kind of starting to get everyone back on the boat.
And there’s a few people that said wait, we want to get in.
But what happened was the the the whole thing was over.
The shark started dispersing and going back.
And there were a few people that didn’t get to have the experience because they sat and they watch from the sidelines and they came this far to only come this far and they didn’t go into the next step.
And so there’s a few things I want you to understand about this.
How many times in life do you come this far and something little takes you out And you, you, you, you don’t really understand that you’re so close you didn’t come this far and only come this far.
And the other thing I want you to take away from this is there’s sharks everywhere in life.
The sharks in this analogy Rep, what do they represent?
What do you think the sharks represent?
Because what I want you to understand with your alignment arrows, and if you think about this and you have your alignment arrows pointed up into the infinite field of possibilities, that’s your power, That’s how you’re creating your reality.
But what happens is there’s a shark that comes in and the shark is right here.
It’s irritating you.
It’s doing everything it can to get your attention.
But if you can stay on your side of the rope, the shark will go away and find somebody else that it can eat for lunch.
But when you when you when you come under the rope.
So if you think about you have your own tunnel here, this represents the rope.
When you come under the rope, they’re going to eat you for lunch.
And so this is what happens when we think things aren’t working.
This is what happens when somebody else who is in a space of not thriving while we’re thriving wants to come and get us.
This is what happens when we let fear take the wheel.
This is what happens.
Can we let our mind take us out of it?
Yes, exactly.
Self limiting beliefs, negative hammerhead thoughts, distractions, bills, fear false evidence appearing, real fear, doubt displaced power limitations and fear negativity.
The voice of doubt?
So do you see how this one analogy can help you understand two things?
OK, actually three things.
And this is bringing me right into the three mindset shifts that I want to give you that will change the game for you.
Because we have to realize this.
The first time I share this analogy was in my Sedona Vortex immersion and it landed so well.
I hope it’s landing here with you, because what you’re going to realize is, oh, I wasn’t meant to be involved in that.
I was swimming with the sharks.
Now we get to go from the from the voice of the helpless victim.
Because when we’re in the helpless victim mode, our alignment arrows are not pointed up.
They’re pointed out.
They’re blame casting.
They’re looking What have you done for me lately?
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
That is not the vibe, and that is not how you’re in sovereign power.
And that is not how you walk with sure thing energy.
So when you have your alignment arrows up into the infinite field of quantum vibrations and possibilities, what happens is the sharks come.
Whether it’s the fear, whether it’s the doubt, whether it’s somebody else, whether it’s you not getting what you wanted, whether it’s the unexpected bill, whether whatever it is.
And you have a choice to stand fully in your sovereign power with your sure thing energy dialed in.
And you.
This is where you say I’m going to hold this frequency.
And I’m going to hold this frequency no matter what.
This is that no matter what sure thing energy.
I am going to turn up the down on my sure thing energy because I know I am.
That’s investment.
I know I have the power to control me and only to control me.
I know that when my alignment arrows are up, the universe is going to rearrange everything in my favor.
Now I may have to be willing to feel uncomfortable for a second.
My heart might be.
I might be very close to the sharks.
They’re this close.
But my alignment arrows are up.
So they cannot get to me.
I have the power.
They cannot get to me.
My alignment arrows are up.
This is a tool that will change your life.
And there’s three shifts and reframes that I want you to take away.
If you take away nothing else from this class, this will change your life.
OK, so the first one is arrows up in my world.
We walk around, you’ll see.
If you go look at my Instagram, you’ll see my clients are like arrows up.
Align the arrows up.
If you can just begin to tell yourself when you start, you’re looking at what is instead of what you desire.
Yes, Lynn Lynn’s giving the arrows up.
So if you want to play arrows up, play with me.
Give me some fun emojis.
Arrows up.
I’m walking with my arrows up.
So what does that mean?
It means you’re walking with your arrows up, your dreams, your desires.
You’re plugged into your dreams and desires.
You know what it is that you’re calling.
If you get, if you get taken out, you know you have the tool to put your arrows back up.
And you know there may be some sharks that come.
Whether it’s your own sharks, your own trauma, your own fears, or something else, it doesn’t matter because they’re simultaneous realities happening at the same time.
But you create your reality.
And the way that you create your reality, your reality is your alignment arrows are up into the field of quantum feet, quantum vibrations, and you’re magnetizing.
I I just shared with you how I went literally from being depressed, being disconnected, to feeling so filled up without even needing any external evidence, because I shifted my alignment arrows.
I didn’t know.
I didn’t have the visual, I didn’t have the way to explain it.
But this is what it was.
And this started happening, and magic started happening, and I began manifesting like a crazy woman in the best of ways.
And it was quantum leap after quantum leap after quantum leap.
And then clients began coming into my world, and they begin getting quantum leaps and quantum leaps and quantum leaps.
And it was like wild.
And so when I began to understand how to explain it, and I began to understand, it’s like it keeps getting more and more powerful and more and more potent.
So yes, thank you so much for all your comments for playing with me.
This feels good.
This is the sure thing energy.
And you need sure thing energy.
And you need to walk with it in sovereign power.
So here’s the second mind mindset shift.
Here is a second mindset shift that is going to help you manifest more money, more magnetism, more impact, more love, everything that you’ve ever wanted.
OK, so here’s the thing.
Hang on.
I got to take a sip of water.
Take a breath.
There are so many times I am a projector.
Yep, It’s great for any human design actually as well.
There are so many times we want something, we want to manifest something and we don’t do it because we’re scared it’s not going to work.
And we’re like, oh, is it going to work?
Will it work?
Will it work?
Is this going to work?
What if it doesn’t work?
What if it doesn’t work?
Is where are your alignment arrows?
That’s your question.
Where are your are your arrows up when you’re like, oh, is this going to work?
Oh, what is somebody going to think of me?
Oh, oh, am I qualified to do that?
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, no, they’re not up, They’re out.
They’re this way.
That is not the vibe.
Then you’re in shark territory.
So what we’ve got to do is we’ve got to begin to adopt the mantra mantra of what if it works?
What if it works?
What if it works?
The second you begin to ask yourself that question, your alignment arrows are up into the field of quantum vibrations and you become an energetic match, now in tangent with asking yourself what if it works?
You’ve also got to begin to have the mindset of who do I need to become for this to work?
Because here’s what’s happening.
We are on the stairway to heaven, on earth, over and over again.
Each new, each new plateau, there’s going to be another mountain, another stairwell.
And so this is a continual game.
And when we began to say, what if it works?
And who do I need to become for this to work?
Because sometimes we’re we’re we’re saying what if it works, but then we’re being the helpless victim instead of the empowered creator Zoom.
We’ve got to plug both of those in.
OK, so mindset shift #2.
What if this works in conjunction with who do I need to become?
Who is the coach I need to become?
Who is the mentor I need to become?
Who is the leader I need to become?
Who is the mother I need to become?
Who is the partner I need to become?
Who is the friend I need to become?
Who is the person I need to become for this to work?
That is sovereign power.
That is the voice of the empowered creator.
That is from a space and place of alignment.
Arrows up.
Now, can anyone guess the third mindset shift that I want to share today?
Are y’all having fun with me?
I’m having the best time.
I hope y’all are having fun.
What is the third mindset shift?
Before I tell you, I want you to guess thank you.
Thank you Melissa, for that.
OK, I’m going to tell you the third mindset shift is I didn’t come this far to only come this far.
I didn’t.
I didn’t win the trip.
I didn’t get on the plane and travel all the way across the world to come this far, to only come this far.
I didn’t show up online every day to come this far to only come this far.
I didn’t buy the house in my dreams to only come this far.
I didn’t stand on the TEDx stage and reach 3.1 million people to only come this far.
I didn’t come this far to only come this far and it’s relevant at every step of the way.
So when I was in 2013 having my quantum moment, I didn’t create everything that I had created in my life to end up unfulfilled and disconnected.
I didn’t come this far to only come this far when I started my coaching business and no one was watching.
I didn’t go through all the personal transformation I went through to only come this far.
I had to share.
I had to teach it when I began hosting my retreats and I got scared.
What if no one comes in?
I didn’t build this thing to only come this far.
I didn’t come this far to only come this far to give credit where credit is due.
I learned this mantra from Jetse Itzler, who is married to Sarah Blakely, so I just want to share that.
But I didn’t come this far to only come this far.
It will take you, it will motivate you, it is relevant at every single stage that you were in, and it will turn up the dial on your sure thing energy and it will help you get into alignment with your sovereign power.
OK, so really, really feeling at every single level I didn’t come this far.
To only come this far will take you places.
He does rock.
OK, so there’s so much I want to say here.
There is so much I want to say here.
I’m just going to look at my my notes.
Oh, the last thing.
OK, people will feel your energy far before they hear anything that you say.
And when you have your alignment arrows up and you’re walking around connected to your heart and your soul, you’re walking around from a space of your mission, it means you have your own movement.
We all have our own movement.
We’re meant to create a positive ripple effect in some way.
This is Unique Soul Blueprint.
When you’re in with me, when you come into my world, I’m going to teach you about Unique Soul Blueprint.
And what that means is that you have a unique path and it’s unique to you.
But you have your own movement, and the way that you activate that movement is you come into alignment with your sovereign power.
And the more that we’re in alignment with our sovereign power, the more our movement gets rich and meaningful and abundant.
And so we’ve got to begin to understand the more the more we merge our personality with our soul, the more that our souls mission is the driving force.
The more that we’re in alignment with our sovereign power, the more of the movement we’re creating.
Now this is going to be the most fulfilling thing that you can ever do, is come into more and more alignment with your sovereign power.
When you can do that, the game changes.
And what happens when you come into alignment with your sovereign power?
Your energy, your frequency, is upgraded.
It assists you in everything you’re doing to point your alignment arrows up into the infinite field of possibilities.
OK, so I want you to remember everything that I’m teaching you today is relevant.
You could take these mindset shifts.
The game will change for you.
Now, here’s the thing.
Here’s the thing about sure thing, energy.
And here’s the thing about sovereign power.
We have got to immerse ourselves in spaces and places where we’re reminded of our power, Where we’re reminded to point our alignment arrows up, Where we’re reminded that our mission elevates, changes, and shifts the world, Where we’re reminded that we hold the frequency of a movement.
Every single person is here to create their own movement, no matter how big or no matter how small.
It’s in alignment with your unique soul blueprint.
And so one of the things that has has changed my entire life is staying in this conversation over and over and over again.
And so you can take what we’ve learned here today.
I I have more to say.
I’m going to be sharing more and I want to share with you a way in an invitation that you can continue this conversation with me.
Who here has gotten value today?
What is a breakthrough that you’ve received?
It would mean so much to me if you could share a breakthrough that you’ve gotten from this class so far.
If you feel like it’s been valuable and you can share that with me, it would mean a lot to me.
So I have a pretty big mission and a pretty big movement if you haven’t.
If you haven’t noticed, and I’ve been able to create a lot of success and success alone.
It doesn’t mean anything.
We want success together.
And so big part of my mission is to empower leaders is to help people share their voice.
Share their story is to help people come into alignment with more of their sovereign power.
To help people remember about their Souls mission.
To help people turn the dial up on their sure thing energy, to help people plug their alignment arrows up into the quantum field of infinite possibilities.
And to do it in a way that is an alignment with your unique soul blueprint.
And So what I want to share with you is I have something brand new, a couple of new things and I want you to, I want you to get feel really excited because the possibilities are endless here.
And I am launching a new membership called Sovereign Power.
And the intention behind this membership is to keep you inaccountable with these conversations to help you really understand how to turn up the dial on your sure thing energy while your alignment arrows are are plugged into the infinite field of possibilities.
This is for you.
If you know that you have a movement.
You want to come into more alignment with your unique Soul Blueprint.
You want to understand more about personal development, how it leads to manifesting money and success and fulfillment.
You want to understand how to become more and more magnetic through your sovereign power.
Now here’s what’s even more exciting about this.
This membership is only $88.00 a month.
And what we’re going to do is we’re going to have a call like this inside of a private community every single month.
Plus, when you enroll, you get access to, I think it’s seven or eight hours of trainings, very similar to this.
Now, what’s even more exciting about this is you get to use the $88.00 that you pay for the program toward another program or master class or workshop that I’m teaching that’s coming up.
So it’s $88.00, but then you get to use it as a credit towards something else.
So if you would like the link to sovereign power and there’s there’s a three month commitment and after that you stay as long as you want.
You stay plugged in as long as you’re getting value and at any point that you want to, you want to step away, you can now get ready for this.
Who here said you want to speak on stages?
Who here was like, I know I want to speak on stages.
Like you want to speak on big stages, You want to host workshops, you want to lead retreats.
Because y’all get to be the very first people that hear about this brand new exciting offer at a very low price point.
And it has to do with speaking.
If you want to speak, if you know you have a story to tell.
If you’re like, I know I meant to speak on stages.
I want to host workshops, I want to host events.
I’m not meant to just be on social media all day.
I want to hold the microphone.
Look at all of you saying yes, yes, yes.
So I am so excited about this offer because here’s what happens when your alignment arrows are pointed up into the quantum field.
You create an opening for inspiration to come into into you that’s in a in an alignment with your soul.
And so I got the idea for this offer and it’s called miked up and making money.
This is y’all are the first people to hear about it.
I am so excited and miked up and making money.
I am going to show you what it is that you need to do to get booked on stage the way that I got booked on stage.
Your path of least resistance to get booked on stage.
How to build your confidence.
I want to read to you exactly what I’m saying for this because OK, how to get on stage?
Just speak confidently and become paid for it abundantly.
The exact moves that I made to get booked on big stages so quickly, the foundations of creating a magnetic speech and how to Share your story in a way that consistently attracts new clients that are in alignment with you.
So miked up and making money y’all right now is only $111.00.
Now here’s what I’m going to do that’s even more special.
And if you’re in the alignment experience, you get all of it.
If you’re in the alignment experience, you already get sovereign power and you already get miked up and making money, so you’re in.
If you’re in my mastermind, you also get both.
So you’re in.
Now here’s what’s cool about miked up and making money.
If for this master class specifically, if you join sovereign power, I’m going to let you do an even trade So you’re $88.00 you can you can be instantly in for the miked up and making money.
So if you’re like I want the power piece, I want to continue these conversations and I want the miked up and making money straight off of the back end of this master class, you can you can trade it.
I mean you can do, you can use your $88 and just get an even trade for miked up and making money.
Now here’s the way that this will work.
All you have to do is let my team know so there’s some questions coming in.
So for those of you that want the links for this for sovereign power, just type in.
I’d like the link for Sovereign Power.
If you want the link for Miked up and Making money, you can buy it $111.00.
It’s starting on March 22nd, 4 days.
Four days is going to be a broadcast as we’re going to come together in a container and I’m going to be delivering audio for you with everything about getting booked on stage and really sharing your voice and doing it in a way that’s in alignment.
The third thing that I want to share with you, there is so much magic to what we can do online.
I’m so excited for Sovereign Power.
I’m so excited for Mike Duffin making money.
I’m so excited to every single thing that I teach that online is brilliant and there is something unexplainable and undeniable that happens when we come in the room together.
Now if you’re if you’re here and you feel activated, you’re going, you want to stay in my world, you’re going to feel activated even more.
And I am hosting a three day Quantum Success Leadership Summit.
I’m so happy for all of you that are jumping into these offers.
I am.
I am hosting a three day Quantum Success Leadership Summit that’s happening here in Newport Coast, CA at the beautiful luxury resort, the Pelican Hill Resort.
And it’s happening May 31st, June 1st, June 2nd.
This is for the person who understands they want to create more money in business and they want to do it in a way that’s in alignment.
This is for the person that wants to come into an extraordinary room of humans and have your heart burst wide open, build your network and quantum leap the frequency that you hold in your body.
This is for the person who knows that they want a quantum leap in their business and they’re ready to like you want to have to happen fast.
Because what we’re going to be able to do in these three days, it’s like we collapse time and space.
You’re in the room with me.
You have nobody distracting you.
You’re you’re you’re meeting these extraordinary human beings.
I’m taking you through exercises.
We’re doing soul activations.
I’m putting you in alignment with your heart, your soul and your mission.
And and we’re we’re doing well consciousness upgrades.
We’re doing all of them.
Y’all these three days will elevate every single ounce of your life of your purpose, of your mission and your network.
Now that there is an in person ticket, there are limited amount of in person tickets and we’re already almost halfway sold out for this.
There is early pricing for the Quantum Success Leadership Summit right now.
So now is the time to register what I’m going to do when anyone registers for the in person Quantum Success Leadership Summit.
I’m going to give you my 3 hour workshop on the Adams Actualization activation that I currently sell for $288.
You’re going to get it as a bonus instant access to it.
The 2nd that you register, if you’ve already registered, you’ll get it too.
I’ll give you a ticket.
There is a virtual experience as well.
If you’re in another country or for whatever reason you can’t travel during those days, there is a Virtual Ticket.
The early pricing for the Virtual Ticket.
Thank you, Michael.
The early pricing for the Virtual Ticket is $222.
If you’re in sovereign power, you can use your $88.00 credit to the virtual experience.
I’m setting this up.
So this is win win, win for everybody.
There’s so much expansion happening in my world.
There is so much sure thing energy activated.
There’s so much sovereign power.
Remember all the testimonials that I was sharing at the beginning of people coming in and quantum leaping their money?
At people having relationships where they’re feeling the zest and and the love in their relationships have been dead and flat for years?
People feeling more fulfillment.
Quantum leaping from $7000 a month to $99,000 in two months.
People Quantum Leaping from making five to $10,000 a month to 25 to $30,000 a month, People quantum Leaping their impacts and their mission is happening over and over and over in my world.
And it starts with your sure thing energy, and it starts with your sovereign power.
And this is one of the most valuable things that you can take away in your life that will elevate and change every second of your life.
And so if you found this conversation valuable, then, then you’re going to want to step into one of these next spaces and places with me.
That was so good.
I hope you all enjoyed it.
I hope you took notes.
I hope you’re going to aim your alignment arrows up into the infinite field of quantum vibes.
If you want the details to jump into Sovereign Power or miked up and Making money for the Quantum Success Leadership Summit, we’ve got all the details for you right inside of the show notes.
If you have any questions at all, feel free to either DM me on Instagram, my handle is at Suzanne Adams Inc or you can e-mail us at hello at Thank you so much for listening.
If you found value in this podcast, please share it with a few friends and I will see y’all on the next episode.