It doesn’t matter what you want to do or the result you desire… What matters is tapping into this process, having a dream and turning on the ambition to actually show up for it!
I attract the big dreamers! The people who want to build the big business to be on the big stages, to lead retreats, to experience dream love and are ready to life like to have the time of their lives!
If this is you, you are going to want to listen!
In this episode, Suzanne Adams dives into the power of tapping into energy to manifest dreams and align with your unique soul blueprint. She suggests looking at other people’s successes as motivation in order to require & reprogram your subconscious mind! This creates a mindset that not only boosts our individual success but also adds to a shared adventure of self-discovery and fulfillment.
During the interview, Suzanne shares some stories about four amazing clients—Cindy Roros, Christy Bearden, Darlene Hayes, and Rachel Smith.
These women have gone through some incredible personal and professional transformations since working with Suzanne. Their stories cover everything from feeling scared of stepping out of a corporate job to creating financial success in a soul aligned career.
To innovating and trail blazing in new industries, and finding fulfillment in spaces where there was only fear before.
Suzanne’s clients have gone on to host workshops and retreats, rock big stages as speakers, and build awesome teams with like-minded individuals.
The stories that Cindy, Christy, Darlene, and Rachel shared, really showcase how well Suzanne’s approach works. Grateful for her help, these clients are spreading joy by serving others through their work.
According to them, Suzanne’s teachings don’t just help people reach their personal goals—but also bring a sense of purpose and gratitude that flows into both their professional and personal lives.
Back to the Quantum Vibes Podcast Season 2.
The Business Edition I am so happy that you are here with me today, and today we are talking about something that will rewire and reprogram your mind into alignment with your dreams and desires if you let it.
You know this entrepreneurial journey can feel lonely at times, and sometimes it can seem like everyone else is succeeding and everyone else is getting a turn.
But when is it going to be my turn?
So if you’ve ever felt like, when is it going to be my turn or you’ve reached a level of success and you know you’re on the brink, like really about to touch a new level of bigness and a new level of breakthrough.
But you’re like, where is it?
This is going to help you.
So something that was pivotal along the way for me inside of my journey to success, and honestly it still is, is looking at other people that have created what I desire to create and not mimicking them, not duplicating them.
You’ll know if you’re in my world, all I talk about all the time is aligning with your unique soul blueprint.
And so while your path could be very different from my path and very different from 10 other people’s paths that are going after a similar dream, we can be inspired by each other and we can also allow each other’s success to elevate us and to literally create a new neural pathway in our brain about what’s possible.
And so there’s the the old adage of the four minute mile.
And it was all of these people trying to break a 4 minute mile and no one could do it.
And after years of trying, no one could do it.
And then finally one person broke the four minute mile and ran a mile in under 4 minutes.
And then what began to happen was a couple of days later, someone else broke the record and did it, and then more and more people.
And before you know it, within a month or two months, several people had now broken the four minute mile.
And it was like all it took was one person to do it and it opened up a new frequency of possibility that other people can do it.
And so I like to use that analogy in business, in my own life, in my client’s life and where I’m going and where I’ve been.
And So what we can do is when we can see success that other people have created and we can understand, wow, if they were able to do it, it means there’s a possibility.
It’s more evidence of what’s possible for me.
And when we do that, we become an energetic match for more.
And when we begin to celebrate others people’s success, we become an energetic match for that success.
And so I could actually talk about this for quite a while, but I want to put this into action right now.
And so I have 4 extraordinary clients.
And by the way, I have countless examples and maybe I’ll continue to share them here.
But today I’m focusing on 4 clients and I did an actual interview with them that I’m going to share here.
But I want to just set the stage and give a little bit of context before I share the interview with you.
So first we have my client, Cindy, who you briefly heard from in the last episode of this podcast, and I want to.
Just give a little.
Context of Cindy and her success and I met Cindy in 2015.
I was at this beautiful resort in Sedona, AZ hosting a boot camp class and I never go to boot camp.
And it turns out she never goes to boot camp.
But the universe brought us together.
We met there, She asked me what I was doing.
I told her I was hosting an empowerment retreat and she said, you know, I’d really love to come to the next one.
And so I got her information.
As soon as we had the details ready for the next one, I emailed Cindy.
And Cindy was the first one to book into this retreat.
And I have chills as I’m even sharing this, because I’ve witnessed Cindy’s growth as I’ve grown.
So has she.
And she has said yes to almost every event that I’ve hosted.
Not all of them, but almost everyone since then, And it has been an honor and a pleasure to watch her expand.
And so Cindy is an already successful businesswoman.
What she’s created is phenomenal, but what she’s been doing with me over the past years is connecting more with her soul, creating new levels of fulfillment inside of her personal and business.
And it wasn’t too long before Cindy felt a calling to begin speaking and leading her own workshops and retreats.
And now she’s been doing that for several years as well.
And so you’re going to get to hear about Cindy’s experience and allow her story to reprogram and rewire a new level of success and possibility for you.
The next amazing client is Christy Bearden, and Christy is an event planner.
And it’s so interesting to watch Christy’s growth because she came to my event supporting me for a couple of years, and then in 2021 at the end of an event, she said, Suzanne, am I allowed to join your mastermind that you were just talking about?
And I said, yeah, absolutely.
And she ended up coming into one of my masterminds and the growth that she created right away was quite phenomenal.
And she literally began manifesting dream clients out of thin, thin air.
And today she has quadrupled her annual income since 2021, and it was already quite good.
And she’s built out a team.
She has a team of 10, and this year alone they’ve done over 120 weddings, and the bookings are flying in.
She’s waking up to stocks of clients and bookings, and it is so brilliant to watch.
And she’s in her power and feeling more fulfilled than ever.
The third woman that you’re going to hear from is my amazing client, Darlene.
And Darlene is a industry leader.
She is paving the path for women in engineering.
And she is the first female founder for an engineering firm in the state of California and possibly even in the whole United States.
And what she has created is miraculous.
And then finally today, you’re going to hear from my amazing client, Rachel, who is a intimacy therapist.
And you know, she came to me when she had just stepped away from corporate and she was wanting to create something different.
And so Rachel and I linked arms and helped her get to creating her first six figures annually, which she didn’t really think she was going to be able to do.
And she did quite fast.
And now?
She has accelerated.
And has gone into to create a very successful multiple 6 figure high level practice and is leading her own couples retreats and other events and workshops.
She was just published in Women Health and she has partnered.
With Five star.
Companies to build retreats and so many other amazing things.
And so I want to bring you into these stories.
Let you feel the frequency of what it’s like for these women that didn’t know how they were going to get there, but follow their intuition and have created success from putting themselves in rooms and spaces that inspired them and connected with people.
That, they felt, could help.
And so without further ado, you can listen in right here to our conversations.
Cindy, hi.
Hey, how are you?
Cindy is one of my favorite client stories to share because we met when I was hosting my first retreat in 2015 at Sedona, AZ.
And Cindy wasn’t actually at the retreat, but we met at a boot camp class and we found out later.
I never go to boot camp and she never goes to boot camp, but the universe conspired to bring us together.
And so Cindy, I just want to want to tell you about her success and then I’m going to to hand the floor over to Cindy.
But Cindy is a beautiful woman who has created a lot of success.
She runs multiple companies, multiple 7 figures and she felt a calling to share her story and to begin to empower women as she transformed and healed her own life.
And so now she’s really putting a lot of intentionality.
She’s hosting workshops regularly.
She’s speaking on big stages.
She is taking the mic by storm and she also hosts treats and events and it’s really to empower women to to remember who they are and their strength and to create fulfillment across all levels.
And so, Cindy, I want to hear from you about what how your life has changed since you started coming to my events and since we began working together.
How has it not changed is more the question.
And it opened up a world that I didn’t even know existed.
Prior to meeting Suzanne at that magical boot camp and attending her first retreat the year, the September after, I was one of these women that on top of running multiple companies that did not feed my soul but fed my bank account.
I had children, I was a wife.
I just was giving pieces of myself away constantly and I didn’t understand that by myself up first.
It only allowed more of me without depleting me.
So it just made every Ave. of my life feel so much more fulfilled and you opened that world up for me.
Like I remember telling this a lot of times when I host these events.
I tell this story that at the retreat you said who’s afraid to go home?
And I put two hands up because this was such a new world for me that how is this possible that I could feed my soul and my heart and feel this good.
And now I need it to go back home and learn how to integrate it.
And through your help and your coaching and your events, it has taught me a way of yes, I can have boundaries.
Yes, I can say no when it doesn’t feel like a resounding yes fill my heart.
Like you say all the time I get to give the keys to my car to my heart instead of my head.
So I learned to step away from fear and into a more heart centered alignment and create a world beyond just the tasks.
You know I I talk about how it was becoming clear to me that I was existing and serving and not living.
And once you taught me tap into your heart.
I could now still be successful for with the other avenues but open up this new world and that’s when I started the heart centered business to pay it forward because I was like I need to tell people about this because I didn’t know it existed.
I didn’t know this world was there until I met you.
So life changing I am forever grateful and like Rachel said earlier I have made I call them soul sisters because they’re beyond friends.
When you attend one of your events you come away with these connections that you feel this heart connection that you cannot describe.
So just amazing on all levels, on all levels.
Yeah, I like Cindy.
You always bring so much tears, like about crying.
Like all of these conversations.
Oh my gosh, like this just fills me up.
And so y’all, Cindy was the speaker soul highlight speaker at the Quantum Success Leadership Summit back in September.
And this woman rocked the mic.
I mean, she owned that stage.
She shared her story.
She’s going to be speaking at some really big stages coming up.
And Cindy, I want you to share with.
When we where?
How you feel after you’ve hosted your retreat or after you’ve served these women at a workshop or after you’ve had one of your coaching circles?
Like what is the feeling in your body?
And like, how does that feel?
It’s almost indescribable because it is this level of joy.
Your heart is like ready to burst open because being on the journey with them, like, yes, I’m host, I’m on the stage or I’m hosting the event, but I’m in it with them and all of us sharing and connecting and recognizing that they’re taking a little piece away like I did at the beginning, that is going to create a ripple effect not only in the world, but in their life.
It is.
It’s so indescribable, but it’s like this high, this happiness, you know, I know we talk about that, I said.
Speaking on stage is like, aside from being married and having my children and now I have a grandson is like the highlight.
Like it is up there because it is.
So when you do something that truly fills your heart, it’s like your heart wants to burst open and pay.
I like to say I’m paying it forward because that’s what you did for me, and for me to be able to pay it forward, it is making a difference.
So anyone who has even an inkling that they think they want to do it, just get into a room with you and just step into it, step into it.
Own your power.
Because the feeling that you get when you help other people and it’s a different type of help other people because it’s not at the expense of yourself.
You’re truly just filling up your heart and letting the overflow fill on to just water them and and fill their heart up.
So it’s such an amazing, amazing experience.
I it’s almost indescribable, but just so high level, so high level.
I I love everything about it.
I love everything about it.
Cindy, I’m just so proud.
Like, honestly, I cherish our connection so much with with you and with Rachel and with Christy and with Darlene and everyone that’s coming on.
Like, I’m like, I have the most amazing clients and it’s true.
So the last thing is go check out Cindy.
I’m going to tag her Instagram.
She’s posting Nuggets of inspiration.
She has an amazing journal you’re going to want to check out, and she also does her own workshops and events and retreats and things.
And Cindy, if there’s someone that’s on the fence about coming to the Sedona Vortex immersion or someone that’s like this heard about the January 11th event and they want a quantum leap in their business, but they’re.
Feeling, you know.
Like they’re not sure if this is for him, for them, or they don’t know if it’s the right investment.
What would you say?
Do it.
It is the right investment.
Listen to your heart.
Set the fear aside.
Get yourself in that room.
When I tell you it will burst open.
Things in your life that you didn’t, didn’t even know exist.
It will open up a sense of empowerment.
It will fill your heart up.
It will take you on a path that will be amazingly exciting as you continue to on the journey you’re on.
It will just open up the path wider and wider.
Just do it you.
It is the biggest and best investment you will ever making yourself.
Let go of the fear, tap into your heart and get in a room with Suzanne.
I I cannot recommend it enough.
I cannot recommend it.
You know I love you.
I love you right back.
I am.
So grateful for you.
Like I hope it comes through because the gratitude I hold, you know you put me on a different path and I don’t know what my life would have looked like had I not met you at that boot camp.
And had I not said yes.
So say yes, get in the room with Suzanne and just watch the magic happen.
Thank you so much.
All right.
So next we’re going to bring on Christy.
So y’all, Christy is an amazing, amazing high level event planner and she came into my world through one of the most synchronistic spaces and places.
When was it?
2017, Christy 2017?
And so what’s cool about Christies Journey is she came in and was supporting these events for me.
And like, as a byproduct of being in the room, she had her mind and her her heart opened and her soul.
But she began to connect with her soul.
And so a couple of years after being the event planner, she started noticing, Why don’t I let you tell the story?
So tell I want to hear from you like what it’s been like for you, like being in in these rooms and these events that I’ve hosted and how it’s been elevating to your life into your business.
Yeah, sure.
So as an event planner, I am very, very much in the background.
It’s how I have to roll with things.
But you also have to be 100% focused and involved.
So at your events, it’s quite interesting because there’s definitely the balance of staying on the business side.
But then your heart and soul just want to dive into everything else that’s happening.
Especially because something, you know, that you mentioned at the beginning really spoke to me, which was the loneliness of being being an entrepreneur.
And there’s not many people that you can talk to about it.
And sitting in those rooms at the beginning, it was like, these are all the questions I wanted to ask.
This is, this is what I want to hear about.
So it was very much.
It’s exciting to me to get to work everything and sit back and still kind of take it all in.
And then a few years into it, I just knew that I need.
I was going somewhere and I wasn’t quite sure how to get there, but I knew this was a container that I needed to be in to make it happen.
So yeah, that’s kind of that’s when I just take that big.
One, yeah, so.
So Christy ended up asking if she could join a mastermind at one of these events.
And I said yes, absolutely.
And so when this was our first like client relationship other than you know you supporting me, it was now me stepping into supporting you.
And I could see so much potential.
And I remember one of our first conversations when you were telling me like your your financial goals and I was like they’re too small.
I was like Christy, like we need to dial it up.
And I remember you being like I don’t know how and I’m like you don’t need to know how.
And what was so interesting is so I think it was in 2019 and then you were one of the people that started, you wanted to have these clients and these dream clients started dropping in the being preferred vendor and we elevated your whole packages and your prices and your testimonials kept coming in and coming in.
And so here we are today, and you were at the top of your game, one of the most sought after event planners.
We’re still continually raising your prices because the client demand is through the roof.
You have quadrupled, or maybe almost 5X your income since the 2019 when we started working together, and it’s so beautiful to watch.
Is there anything else you want to add to your to your success?
And like what it feels like to really like what’s been your transformation from coming in and being like, Oh my gosh, I have this vision to now like actually living it.
It’s crazy.
It’s when I do take a moment to step back, which is I don’t quite often do, but having that reminder of you need to step back and really celebrate yourself.
When I have those moments of sitting in it and celebrating it, I just, I can’t believe how not just the bookings and the reviews but the team that I’ve been able to bring on and create and really feel, you know, supported by them as well.
It’s it helps to no longer be lonely in building this business.
So yeah, it’s great.
I love it.
How big is your team now?
We are 10 strong now, so.
And then how many weddings have you done this year?
This year we will be about 1:20.
What 20 weddings?
And then how many were you doing before we started working together?
Before we started working together, it was just me, so I was maybe doing 20 a year.
OK, that is just amazing.
And you know, Chrissy really is someone who is just her strength and her power and like, it means so much to me having you support me.
And I know that all of these brides are just, this is so, you know, so amazing and so y’all, if you have a wedding coming up, the Christy is your girl.
Christy Murray events, we’re going to attack her Instagram and if you want a little bit of soul, a lot of support and a bomb wedding planner, she is your girl.
And Christy, is there anything else you would want to say to someone that May is maybe considering coming to the Sedona event or the January 11th event that I’m hosting in Laguna Beach?
What it What would you say to someone that’s like thinking of doing this but is not sure?
I would say you just have to put yourself there.
You really, there’s just so much.
You can read the books, you can watch the videos.
But being there in it and being able to ask the questions and listen, you know first hand to what people are saying that you might not even know you needed to know.
Was is always My take away from every single mastermind call and every event is that I didn’t know I needed to hear that, but I did, and it was meant for me.
All right, Chrissy, thank you so much for being here.
And I’m celebrating you.
And this is only the beginning.
So I cannot wait to continue to celebrate the next milestone with you.
And here we go.
Darlene is coming up.
I just want to say, if these stories are inspiring you, then trust that.
And like I was talking about in the beginning, entrepreneurship can feel really, really lonely and it doesn’t have to.
And if you have a desire in your heart to really excel in your business and to really come into alignment with your unique Soul Blueprint, then now is the time.
And I am creating spaces and places for you to come in, Darlene.
I am so y’all.
Darlene has been an amazing long term client as well and Darlene is blazing new past in her industry.
She is the first woman owned engineering firm in the entire state of California.
Maybe in the US we don’t know, but we know California.
And what is so amazing about Darlene is she has taken a journey from secretary to project manager to coming a partner and then creating her own engineering firm.
And the work that Darlene and I do behind the scenes, I am blown away at the innovation that she’s taking and what she’s creating inside of her industry and also the heart connection and expansion on a soul level that she’s bringing into her company, her operation and to her field.
And so, Darlene, I am so excited that you are here.
And I, I want for you to share with people what it’s meant to your journey coming to Sedona, coming to these retreats or the work that we’ve done together.
What is it meant for you and your life and your business?
It it has just been amazing.
And my first retreat and meeting Suzanne in 2016 actually was the first time.
And I’m not sure if we’ve ever talked about this, but it was the first time I had traveled in 25 years by myself.
I know.
I didn’t know that.
So it was.
I mean I really stepped out there and it was just such an amazing experience to meet you and and the retreats and the the vortex and the energy and I was feeling intuitive callings and being able to open that more to my soul and my heart and meeting some of my best friends.
Cindy that was just on.
She’s just my love.
I’ve I mean Cindy is just the best and we’ve been the best friends ever since we had a soul connection as soul sisters there and it’s just just lit up my heart and it’s just been one thing after the other since 2016 of creating a company that’s now aligned with myself and not with others partners and and opening up to new service options in my company to work with now you know 9 figure market capital companies that are doing great things in the communication sector and it’s it’s just it’s it’s over the charts I live in my dream home I drive my dream car I I have everything I could and great relationships with my husband my daughter everyone.
I think everyone benefits when you do the work yourself.
You do.
And you know what I love about witnessing you and your leadership as you hold so much and you’re not afraid to let yourself be?
And that I have chills.
Just saying that, it’s because you understand that when you’re the one holding and when you’re the one leading that sometimes you need someone else to hold the space for you and for someone else just to be there and just to be and what it what have you felt like I know or share?
What do you feel like if you felt that in the retreats and in our inside of our work together, like what is that meant for you or or how has that allowed you to expand?
Yeah Oh my God it just starts to bring tears up and and and maybe because it is just so amazing being around others that are that are you find out are more aligned with you and it’s really your container of your heart you know heart and souls of people around you.
It’s just yeah, like Cindy said that she was had the two hands up to how do I go home after this and and how do I fit in.
But you’re you’re just you integrate everything new and you share it with everybody else that makes everybody else better.
Yes, yeah, amazing.
And so you know another brag on Darlene is she opened up her her company that is just hers in the middle of a pandemic pandemic and still was able to do multiple 7 figures and sales.
And it’s just very beautiful to watch you in your power and to watch as you know we get to lead and we get to lead with an open heart and we get to lead not thinking that we have to do everything, everything ourselves.
And so, Darlene, if someone is watching and they’re thinking about coming to the the January 11th event with us in Laguna Beach or they’re thinking about coming to the Sedona Vortex immersion, what would you say to them?
Oh my God, Come, don’t think twice.
Just come sign up.
Come with us.
It’s going to be amazing.
You’re going to just experience so many things.
Bring your journal, because there’s going to be a lot to come out and up and and love and be able to experience life and with us and and know that your life is just going to explode with more exciting quantum vibes and higher levels and breaking the breaking the glass ceiling.
And you know, I think it’s so hard to like describe the tangibility of what you walk away from from these events.
So is there any correlation that you can make to the experiences that you’ve had in the events that have translated into the success that you see in your world?
Definitely the courage and and visibility to step into more.
I actually attended Harvard Business School this year and and I would have never been able to do something like that.
So it really has given me the courage to be visible every day, to leave my company in a higher level and and not be take the fear out of everything and that’s truly what I needed.
Well, Darlene, thank you so much for being here.
Yes, it is an honor and a pleasure linking arms with you.
And this is only the beginning.
Can’t wait, can’t wait.
We love Suzanne.
She’s the best and not only just just a great leader communicator, a huge, a wonderful human.
And we need more wonderful humans in this world.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much for being here.
All right, Well, darling, you can jump off.
And thank you so much.
And yeah, I have just, like, moved to tears.
And these are 4 extraordinary women.
And I have the honor and the pleasure of serving so many women and men like this.
And if you’re like you’re you have an entrepreneurship journey and you don’t want to do it alone.
Oh, hey, Luke, you don’t want to do alone.
And you’re like, I want to link arms.
I want to connect.
I want to meet soul brothers and sisters.
I want to quantum leap my energy.
I’m ready to tap into my vision beyond the vision I’m ready to plug into to possibilities and I know my next level is calling.
Then consider joining me in person.
I’ve got a couple of different in person events coming up.
January 11th is going to be a one day Quantum business accelerator event happening in Laguna Beach, CA.
It’s going to be hyper focused, intention, intentionality and you know I didn’t get to where I am by sitting alone with a laptop.
And it is inspiring when we’re able to open our hearts and allow other people to pour into us.
And most likely if you’re here, then you hold a lot and you need someone else to be able to hold you.
And that’s what we’re going to do in these spaces is we are going to be held, you’re going to be elevated, you’re going to be poured into and you’re going to leave feeling excited and on top of the world.
So there’s the opportunity to come in for January 11th.
If you would like those details, comment below and then also we have a few tickets left for the Sedona Vortex immersion that is happening 4.
In the beautiful healing energy of Sedona, AZ, this is a high end luxury experience at a beautiful resort and words can’t even describe I personally.
You know, every time I host events, regardless of what it is, I’m in the room for the breakthrough and I I continue to get breakthroughs at the events even as I’m leading them.
And it’s just really special when we can let go of any fears or doubts, when we can activate our unique soul blueprint.
And I have a gift of really allowing you to feel your.
Power and remember your power.
In a way that maybe you hadn’t been able to before.
And so, you know, these again were just for examples of evidence of success and I have so many more that I could share with you.
And if you’re feeling called then now is the time.
I’d love to be your mentor and let’s go.
So, sending you lots of love.
You can comment, you can DM with any questions of the details of for these experiences, and I hope that you have a wonderful, fabulous day.
All right, next, this is like the the, the beautiful, like all of the beautiful souls coming on.
Rachel is someone that just has a naturally magnetic energy you’re going to see when she comes on in just a second.
So I’m so excited to have to introduce Rachel.
Rachel is a intimacy coach and therapist, and we’re going to tag her.
What’s your Instagram, Rachel?
Infinite intimacy therapy.
Infinite intimacy therapy.
And we’re going to output it in the notes so you guys can find her, Go check her out.
And Rachel is someone that can’t.
We connected a few years ago and she was leaving her corporate job to follow her.
Well, I’ll let you tell the story.
Why don’t you tell the story?
Yeah, so this was back in 2019 where I took a leap.
I took a leap of faith on myself.
But you know, working, working in the fields, the fields, you know, I’m a therapist.
And so it’s all about helping others.
It’s all about feeding and giving to others.
And I miss this critical piece of being able to feed into myself.
And so it wasn’t until I was really exposed to.
I mean this idea of manifesting and being able to get clear in our vision and our mission and our purpose, and that I think that mindset piece just helped to send me to a whole other level.
And so after graduating from my master’s program, I went into the field and I got burnt out in a really, really terrible way.
And I actually left the field for 2 1/2 years.
And I went into a corporate setting where I helped to open up different locations.
And I was like, you know, this seems pretty good, But then it wasn’t fulfilling.
And then I saw Cameo and Suzanne at at an event in Fort Lauderdale.
It was called the Women Empowerment Expo and it was all about women in business.
And just the message that I heard really just sucks me in.
And really it was what she said.
She said, you know, I don’t believe in the hustle.
It’s all about heart over hustle.
And that just really hit home for me, and I realized that was the missing piece.
Well, you know, it’s so it’s so, you know, so many people can relate.
So who here is feeling burnt out in what they’ve created?
And this can happen at different levels.
And so Rachel, what I love about your story is you took a traditional path and then you allowed your soul to guide you and even without you maybe realizing that you were coming into alignment with your unique soul blueprint.
So then it was 2019, you came to an event that I was Co hosting in Florida and that was where it all began.
And then tell us, so you had a design desire to create a six figure business, but like what was your, what was?
Happening in your mind around.
If that was possible or not.
You know, it’s it’s limiting beliefs.
So not only you know my family, I’m first generation American.
My family comes from a third world country.
And so there’s a lot of limiting beliefs around money and and you know how we make money and what we need to do to make money and those types of things.
And it was also a sense of impostor syndrome.
I had left the fields for over 2 years and I’m like who am I coming in here and doing this kind of work without realizing that I know exactly what I’m doing.
It’s all in there.
It’s just all of those negative beliefs that that get in the way of that.
And then not having the full clarity of my vision.
You know, I had some ideas, but then to really expand it and one of the things that you taught me that I just love so much is the vision beyond the vision, right.
So we can hold the vision, and that’s great.
But then what’s beyond that?
And I hadn’t taken the time to really think about what’s beyond this desire, right.
And that those pieces just, you know, drives you to a whole other level.
And it’s it’s an incredibly beautiful space.
I was just printed in Women’s Health magazine and I’m like, you know, I I sit here, I’m like, how did all of this happen?
But the how is not my responsibility.
I just keep showing up and allowing myself to do the work and allowing my heart to shine.
And so that’s what people are, you know, drawn to and magnetized to.
And I think that’s the piece that we don’t take into consideration.
You know, it’s so it’s so important.
It’s a human component.
It’s the human connection.
And so just to brag on you for a little bit, Rachel Create has created a thriving multiple 6 figure therapy business.
She has partnered with the Hilton and leading retreats.
She leads couple retreats.
She is a dynamite therapist and she’s going to the next level like she said she was just printed and Women’s Health magazine.
She has literally like a like a booked out roster.
It’s like we’re I’ve helped her scale to the first six figures and into the multiple 6 and then now we’re going even beyond and it’s so extraordinary to watch.
And so Rachel, for people that are maybe thinking about coming to one of my events or retreats, I would love to know what’s the correlation between what you’ve experienced at these in person events and some of the success that you’ve created?
It’s the immersive piece is something that that’s intangible, right?
We can sit, we can read, we can watch, but when we actually feel the energy, it’s a whole different thing.
And that’s also what’s inspired me in my business to create couples retreats and these immersive experiences.
Because, you know, working with clients hour by hour, it’s great, it’s effective.
But it can be even more effective when we allow ourselves to really just sit and and and take in everything that that there is to to offer in this space.
And so being with like minded people where we’re all on track to, you know, trying to build ourselves and and our voice and what we’re here to serve and do and when we’re able to connect with people in that way, it’s just, it’s inspiring, right.
It helps me to see what’s possible because there are always people ahead of me and there’s always people that are maybe not as far along on the journey and that’s where we’re at.
And so to be able to kind of reflect back.
And I remember when I didn’t have that belief in myself and look at where I am now and I see what this person’s doing and that I think I can do too.
And so outside of the energetic component, which is absolutely vital, it’s these connections and the network that we’re able to make is just, I mean I have some incredible friends that I have made through those spaces that these are years now in the making.
Yes, I love, I love seeing you and the ladies that you know have have bonded over the years.
And so would you say that when you come into the room that you’re.
So what I’m hearing you say is your belief is elevated, your confidence is elevated, your energy is fine-tuned and expanded, and it really is just serves as like a catapult for you to create that next level vision and really step into the vision beyond the vision.
Yep, Yep, exactly, exactly.
And it’s that momentum, right.
When we get in, we get caught in the day-to-day and all of our responses, possibilities, all the things that we have to do that very rarely are we taking time for ourselves.
And in the work that I do, especially the work I do with my clients, that’s vital.
If we’re not taking the time for ourselves to refuel and reflects, then where are we really going, you know?
And so it just gives you that direct time and space dedicated for you and your vision and connecting with others.
It’s incredible.
Rachel, thank you so much for taking the time.
You’ll go check her out.
She is amazing to to follow, connect with and if you need a little loose in in the bedroom and in your intimacy, she is your loving.
Thank you for having me.
Thank you so much for being here.
I hope you’re feeling inspired.
I hope you’re feeling like there is possibility and if you know that you want to be in the room with me for one of these events, I have two opportunities coming up that are going to help you catapult your 2024 into a year of ultimate success, fulfillment and expansion.
The first one is January 11th in Laguna Beach, CA.
This is a one day quantum business accelerator event and trust me when I say you’re going to want to be in this room if you know you’re meant for business expansion.
The other experience is a four day immersion in Sedona, AZ where we are going to transform your life and business from the inside out.
Both are exceptional, they’re different experiences.
We’ve got the links in the show notes for you, and if you have any questions about either of these events, feel free to come to Instagram and DM me and I will personally answer your questions for you.
So thank you so much for being here.
If you got value out of this episode, if you could, please share it with anyone that you know needs some inspiration, is looking for encouragement, desires to create a career more in alignment with their heart and their soul, and is ready for Quantum Vibrations.
Thank you so much and I will see y’all on the next episode.