EP10S2: Unlocking Sovereign Power: Connecting with Your Soul's Purpose  

In this episode, Suzanne Adams shares insights on how to connect your soul’s purpose to unlock sovereign power and manifest your biggest dreams!

She also shares about:

  • Taking steps to connect with your soul and understand your inherent power and divinity.

  • Acknowledging your worthiness and capability to create your desired reality.

  • Cultivating a mindset of unwavering confidence and determination to manifest your dreams.

  • Understanding that growth is ongoing, and operating from sovereign power leads to continual elevation in both personal and business aspects of life.

Welcome to the Quantum Vibes podcast.

My name is Suzanne Adams and I am the best selling author of Girl Awaken and Quantum Vibes.

I am the creator of the atoms actualization activation, which is extremely powerful manifesting.

Model my TE DX talk has.


Reached 3 million people and inside of this.


I’m going to help you understand how to use your energy to magnetize your big wild dreams right into your reality.

I help.

Leaders align with their unique.

Soul Blueprint and turn on more.

Passion, purpose, Richness.


Love, excitement and fulfillment.

In life, thank you for being here.

It means the.

World to me.

Let’s dive in.

Welcome back to the Quantum Vibes.

Podcast I.


Very, very excited.



Today’s episode because.

This topic the.

Frequency of what?

We are diving into today.

Has the power.

To unlock your next.

Level of fulfillment.

To activate your next.

Level of magnetism.


And to open new doors and gateways that you.

Have not yet.

Thought about today?


Are going to talk?

About what I.

I call Sovereign.

Power if I could go back.


To the 16.

Year old.

Version of me or the. 12 year old.

Version of me.

Or Lord knows the 21 year old version of me.

Who was lost?


Scared and didn’t.

Even know she was lost and.


And tell her one thing that would change her entire life.


Change the trajectory of her life.

Change her belief in herself.

Change the way she experiences herself.

It would be this.

It would be to do whatever she could do to connect.

With her soul.

It would be to.


Understand the Divinity and the power that.

She holds.

Inside of her.

Regardless, what is.

Happening around her.


I feel like so many of us are on the hunt.

We’re on the hunt for more money.


We’re on the hunt for more fulfillment, Some of us.

Desire to be.

Known by more people, some of us.

Desire to.

Speak on big.

Stages read.

Books have the greatest love affair of our life.


The greatest romantic relationship?

Of our life.


Have these extraordinary?


We want the richness in life, and we should.

Desire that absolutely.

We’re in these, human.


We’re meant to experience pleasure, we’re meant to experience fun, we’re meant to experience fulfillment.

We’re meant to experience, connection and.


We’re meant to.

Understand that we’re more than just these human bodies.

So these bodies.

Are a vessel and something so much bigger and so much powerful.

Is what we.

All have inside of us.

Think about it.


We are walking, breathing miracles.

We have a.

Heart that beats.

On its own.

That keeps us alive, the God, the divine, whatever the mechanism of the human body is, it functions.


On its own, we breathe in oxygen, and it sustains us and we.

All overlook these little bitty things.

That aren’t so little every single day because it’s natural and it’s normal and my intention.


Is to.

Create a space.

And place where you unlocking your sovereign power.

Is as normal.

And as natural.

As the way.

You breathe oxygen.

And if you.

Can get to the space and place.

Your life will be elevated.


On every single level.

You will be tapped in and plugged.

Into quantum vibes without even.

Realizing it when you’re in.

This space, your subconscious mind, is operating in alignment with your soul.

And when you get there, the.


Game changes.

So let me dive into a little bit more about what sovereign power means to me Now.

This could mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people.

Most of us live.


Or at least we’re taught to live life, to be.


Happy when and I.

I wrote about.

This in my book Quantum vibe.

So if you’ve.

Listened to season.

One you’ve.

Heard me talk about the I’ll be happy win game.

The I’ll be happy win game is.

I’ll be happy as.

Long as XYZ, so as long as the money’s flowing.



Long as my body looks a certain.

Way as long.

As the man or the woman is in the picture.

As long as this is happening in this exact way that.

I think I want it to happen.

And when?

We operate on that frequency.

We give away.


Every ounce of.

Power that we have because we have 0.

Control over our happiness and we have 0 control over the outcome.

Now, sovereign power isn’t about having control, in fact.

It’s the opposite.

It’s about letting go of control.

It’s about knowing that you are have so much strength and so much courage.



So much alignment.

And that you can create the frequency of what you.

Desire by the.

Way you.

Point your alignment arrows.

So if you don’t know what?

The alignment arrows are, you’ll hear.

Me talk.

About them quite a bit when you’re in my world and inside of the atoms actualization activation.


I explained this in.

Detail, but your alignment.

Arrows are your energy, your intention, and it’s a piece of your personality.

A piece of your heart and soul, and a piece of source.


Energy that lives inside of you.

And it’s when you can.

Have all of your arrows in.


Alignment going up into the quantum.

Field of infinite possibilities.

And you can.

Hold that.

Frequency you.

Become a powerful manifester.

And so when I think about sovereign power, sovereign power is more than.


Who you are.

As a personality, so I am Suzanne.

I am a best selling author.

I am a Tedex speaker.

I am a girlfriend, a partner, a daughter.

A sister.

A woman.

Changing and elevating the world.

I am a best friend.


I am a personality on the Internet.

There’s so many things I could go on and on and on.

And this is an identity and.

I am also pure source.

I am also a miracle.

I am also a.

Soul having.

A human experience.


And so I talk a lot about unique Soul.

Blueprint and unique.

Soul Blueprint.

Is the blueprint that is.

Unique and specific.

To you.

To your magic.

To your genius.

To the.

Desires and goals of your.


And when we come into the these bodies and we come here, we all.


Have a path and the path is like our own.

Puzzle piece to collective.


And So what I mean by that is when you’re in alignment.

With your unique.

Soul Blueprint when you have.

Your heart.

Open and your personality is aligned.


With your soul.

Meaning you’re in creation.

Mode based on.

Your gifts, your purpose.

And by the way, this looks different.

For every single.

Person it doesn’t have.

To be just an entrepreneur.

You don’t.

Have to have a whole online platform.

Or you don’t have to have your own.

Company to be in alignment.


It’s actually.

Quite the opposite, there’s a lot of people that are here.

To be in support.

Roles to help.

Grow these other.

Companies to help go in.


And spread light.

To be a mother.

To do all.

Sorts of things.

So it’s going to look different and also we will all have different seasons where different things are in alignment and so that’s.


What’s really cool?

About the unique soul blueprint and sovereign power is it’s always moving and growing and evolving as you grow.

So when I think about when I first learned about sovereign power and I learned the term first, authentic power and a man named Gary Zukov.


Who wrote the book?

The seed of the soul, he says.

When you align your personality.

With your soul.

You create authentic.


That is actually what I call soul power.


It it will create a.

Magnetic like engine style frequency.


That will open invisible doors and pull the biggest.

Wildest dreams.

Toward you.

I talk about.

This in depth in the manifesting formula program and while sole.

Power is very.

Important and it’s.

Something that will.


Help you manifest.

There’s a layer before that, and it’s.

Sovereign power, and so the sovereign.

Power is the you that knows she is.

Worthy, no matter what.

The you that knows he can do anything he puts.

His mind to.


The you that knows you.

Came here for greatness, and you’re not going to settle for anything less for a moment longer.

A lot of times we hide from our sovereign power and we hide from our sovereign power because we’re.

Scared about what?

Other people are going to think we hide from our sovereign.


Power because our gifts.

Feel like too much, we feel like.

I shouldn’t have this.

Crazy wild.

Dream in my heart, that doesn’t even make.

Sense it doesn’t.

Even make sense, why do?

I have this.

Dream You have the dream because it’s an alignment for you to create it and go out and make it happen.


And when I say make it happen, I don’t mean by pushing and forcing and moving matter to matter.

I mean by opening up the gateway into the quantum field and.

Allowing yourself to.

Dance with universal law and the magnetic frequencies that.

Are available to you.


So I want you to take a minute and think.

About how you.

Have been operating in your life have you been moving in what I.

Like to call a?

Sure thing frequency and the sure thing frequency.

Another term for it could be like no matter what energy.


Means that.

You are here.

To win.

You are in.

The game of life to create miracles no matter what.

You are a sure?

Thing you are.

Going to show up day after day until you create success.


And in.


To really activate this.


You have to operate.

On sovereign power, when your power comes from within, when it’s sovereign, when it’s the.

Truth of the.

Wisdom and divinity.

That is who you are.


And you can hold that vibration that.

Frequency you will.

Become more magnetic and have more fulfillment and make more money than you could ever imagine.

It’s honestly universal law.

Most of us don’t understand this because we aren’t taught this and we aren’t taught what we need.



Create sovereign power.

And we aren’t.

Taught how to.

Continue to hold.

Sovereign power.

Even when it feels like.

Everything is falling.

Apart or.

Even when it looks like it’s not happening, we’re not reminded that if we want to keep elevating and expanding and reaching new heights.



Dreaming even bigger.

And creating even more.


And more freedom and more fulfillment and more impact and more of a movement we have to.

Keep elevating the.

Amount of sovereign power.

That is open.

And that we operate with.


So I want to speak for a minute about the sure thing frequency because.

When you can.

Come into alignment with your sovereign power.

You make moves.

From your sovereign.


It means you’re creating a life that you desire that is in alignment.


With your unique.

Sole blueprint without needing anybody.

Else’s approval.

Without needing full evidence that it’s going to.

Work in fact.

Being open to the fact that it’s a crazy off the wall idea, but.

Every single thing in your body is telling you, uh huh, this.

Is for you.


And you begin to create something, whether it is a movement, whether it is a business.

Whether it is a way?

Of being.

Whether it is?

It’s your.

Unique magic.

Is what it is.

And when you.

Can operate from the space and place of knowing it’s a sure.


Thing knowing that.

You’re not going.

Anywhere knowing that you are going to do.

Whatever it takes.

To show.

Up in this.


You’re going to quantum leap.

Here’s where the quantum leap happens.

And I’ve seen this in my own life, and I’ve seen this happen in countless lives of my clients.


Here’s what happens.

We get all excited about the dream.

Who’s had a?

Dream and you get.

All excited and you’re like woo.

I’m going to make $1,000,000 a Woo I’m.

Going to go write my book.


I’m going to speak on the Ted X stage and you’re all in the vibes and you’re going and it’s feeling good.


And then you get a note.

And then you’re like, I can still do this and then you get another note and then it’s like I wanted to make $1,000,000 but really I’m just spending $1,000,000.

What is happening here?

And we take ourselves out of the game because it.

Feels like.

It’s not working, and this is when we really have to understand how to point our alignment arrows up.


Into the infinite.

Field of possibilities.

To open our heart.

To merge with our highest.

Self to turn on our sovereign power and move from the space of sure thing frequency.

And when we do that and when we hold it, and when we make moves in alignment with that, we.


Will have a.

Quantum Leap One.

Day you.

Will be.

Standing somewhere.

When you have moved with the frequency and.

The way that I have just spoken about and you will stand there and you will look around you.

And you will be like holy moly, I did it, I did it.


And you will look at your reality and you will be blown away.

And then you’ll do something else extraordinary, and before you know it, you’re going to be living a life filled with pinch me Moments over and over.

And over again.

And then the best.

Part of that is, you’re going to.


Realize that you’ve you’ve graduated on.

One of the.

Stairways to Heaven.

On Earth and you’re at the peak and you’re looking.

But then you look over and you see a new peak and you see a new stairwell and you have a new dream and you realize that as.

Long as you’re breathing.

You’re still growing.

And there’s.

Another mountain that you want to climb.


There’s another stairway to heaven on Earth, but this time you.

Have a little bit more evidence and it’s not just the.

Evidence of other people that you’ve watched succeed.

It’s the evidence of your own success, and this is where it gets really fun.

I have.


So much.

To say about.

Turning on your sovereign.

Power I have.

So much to say about turning on the sure thing energy.

And if this?

Conversation is exciting to you.


Have to tell.


I am leading a master.


Class it is free.

It is.

All about turning on your sure.

Thing energy.

And it would.

Mean so much to me.

If you come and you be in the room for this.

So it’s happening live on March 16th, 2024.


So if you’re listening to this before then, go right to the show notes.

Opt in.

It is free.

Put it on your calendar and come be in the.

Room with me we’re going to.

Have a ton of fun if you’re listening to this.

After the fact.

Go to the.

Link in the show notes and see.


If the replay is still available.

This conversation is.

Going to be so extraordinary and I want you to be a part.

Of it because.

I can tell you.

When you can.

Understand the sure thing, energy and you walk with that frequency and you.


Do it in a.

Way when you’re moving more and more in the direction of your sovereign power and you’re operating from that.

Space of power.

And you’re looking.

Around and whether things are working or not, you know how to point your alignment arrows up into the infinite field of possibility.


This is a muscle by the.

Way y’all.

It is a muscle and when you’re in my world.

And you come in the.

Rooms with me at my live events and you’re in my master classes.

And any of the.

Programs that I’m leading.

You will work.

That muscle.

In the most fun.

Exciting way over and over again until it is natural and that is my.


Biggest gift?

To help you.

Rewire reprogram your energy into the direction.

Of the infinite field.

Of possibilities regardless.

Of what is happening in your life?

And So what does that mean?

That means if things are going.

Well, in your life they’re about to get better.


It means if things aren’t going so.

Well, you’re about to have all the.

Tools that you need to make them go well.

And the next step for this is absolutely in the turning on the sure thing, Energy master class, and I’m so.

Excited for this so while.

Sovereign power is.


Actually, a little.

Bit more of a personal development tool I’m talking about.

This in the Business edition because.

If you want success in business and you want to go.

Big like you.

Want to make high six figures into seven figures and beyond in business?


This is the.

Thing that you need to have the most of sovereign power and the sure thing frequency.

And when you get.

The energy, right?

There’s going to be so many strategies that will.

Work for you?

But if you’ve been trying.

To create strategies.

And they’re not working but.


You look and you see that.

Oh, well, she.

Did it.

And he did it and it worked for them and I’m trying it.

Why isn’t it working for me?

It’s because it’s not in alignment.

With your unique soul blueprint, it’s.

Because you’re probably.

Operating from situational power instead of sovereign.



Because your alignment arrows are giving meaning to all kinds of crazy things that.


They don’t.

Need to give meaning to and they’re looking out in front of you instead of being pointed up into the field.

Build of infinite possibilities.

And so these.


That I’m sharing with you are going to help you in your personal life and they’re going to give you quantum leaps in business.


So thank you so much for being here.

This conversation is exciting and exhilarating to me.

And I can tell you, I have seen hundreds, maybe thousands of people’s lives change in real time through adopting everything that we’re talking.

About here.

And so this.



About to be.

The beginning of something extraordinary, of something marvelous, of something miraculous.

And it’s going.

To be a.

Lot of fun.

So thank you for being a part of it with me.

Thank you for being here.

And I will.

See y’all.

Very, very soon.